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Does anyone have a trick to keeping bra straps from falling down off shoulders other than a paper clip or those bra strap clips?
Usually when straps fall down wrong size of bra also can adjust straps tighter or looser
Here a link with some more tips
I was reading that using bra extenders can be the cause. Using them makes the bra straps move away from the center of your back causing them to be closer to the edge of your shoulder. I do use them quite often.
find a good fitting bra where don't need extenders if possible.
I agree a good fitting and supportive bra doesn't bind, shift, or move. The straps stay in place. My preference is Elomi and Glamorize bras.
Racer back bras.
I have two black elastic velcro straps. They work well fasten at front them slide over head and by pulling shoulder straps can position where you want. Keeps Bra and forms in place.
I have lots of the round clips but not the other ones. I will buy some on Amazon.
I bought some silicone bra strap gizmos that you tuck the strap into the silicone, and the silicone then grips to your skin. For the most part, works really well.
Bought them off of amazon.
I have a few of them but I thought they were only for preventing straps from digging into your shoulder.
Falling bra straps can be annoying and there are several ways as mentioned already to help prevent this. For me, I feel that pulling up a strap now and then is just a sexy act all girls do and I accept it as part of being female. If its too often then just tighten up or replace the bra.
Part of the "problem" is with posture; I've noted that GGs don't let their shoulders slope downward, as we do. If you bend your arms at the elbow, the shoulders tend to go more horizontal.
i had the same problem with bra straps falling and me constantly yanking them up. So I went and dug around on the interweb and someone mentioned these silicone bra straps to prevent the straps from falling.
Two suggestions:
Get a professional fitting.
Learn to love it.
I have done both and I love it when a strap falls off and I have to adjust it in public. I also like it when the strap shows. Ok, so I am a Show Off! that is just who I am.