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Ladies I need help! I originally wanted to stay normal with breast form size. I wanted maybe a d cup. My band size is 36. I managed to find a pair of amoeba natura 2s size 10 for 50 on Craigslist. I'm having an issue trying to find a bra that fits them properly. I tried a 36DDD and the form don't quite fit. Any recommendations that may work that don't cost 50-60 dollars? According to amoeba it says 36G but if I take my 38 overbust measurement and and the 2.6 inches it adds to approx a 36DD or a 36DDD. any suggestions? Most pocket bras on Amazon don't say if they would fit and also they don't look like the triangle forms would fit.
Thanks for the help!
Take your forms with you to a large department store, and ask to book a bra fitting appointment.
It's the best way to get professional help and proper fitting bras which will give you the best possible appearance and comfort.
Good luck.
If u r any where near a SOMA INTIMATES Store I can highly recommend you get professionally fitted by them for a bra.
I can highly recommend their Stunning Support Balconnet style bras and the embliss full coverage bra.
The two different SOMA INTIMATES stores I've patronized had no problem. In my primary store I have dealt with two different managers and 1 regular sales associate. None have ever batted an eye. Especially the first manager.
My breast forms are the
Limited experience here; I only have one pocket bra, and I bought it, along with a set of 36 C forms from Glamour Boutique. They do sell the bras separately, and I found my bra to be a better fit than any others I have purchased, Check the site, and decide for yourself.
That is what I was thinking but they only label the bras for like a-d. Amoena only lists like size 1-10. So according to amoeba and even bratabase after doing all measurements over I'm a 36g. I can't find any that list at that size range.
Units of measure are in desperate need of standardization, bra sizes doubly so.
Hypocritical as it is for me to say this, the safest bet is to be professionally fitted for a bra. Otherwise, if you're a paranoid trial-and-error girl like me, take as accurate measurements as you can of your band and breasts, and prepare to be often disappointed.
I gave up with pocket dras they never felt right to me, till I got a full coverage dra with underwire that kept my forms in and still gave me some bounce when I walked. I got that one and many others form a lingerie boutique that is LGBTQ friendly so if you can find one in your area that can help you out.
Forever Young forms on Amazon are about £30 For D cups.
I just drop them into a regular full coverage bra or body shaper and go!
Love Laura