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The recent post about "why you wear breast forms" has forced me to start doing more research. So far, I've just been using Fashion Forms Women's Water Wear Push-Up Pads, and if I really want to accentuate the form, I wear 2 pair. But these are obviously less than ideal, yet are cost effective for the casual CD.
For those of you who wear breast forms, I have a few questions. Please share your experience for novices like myself:
- What type / brand /model breast form do you use?
- Do you use adhesive, tape or just a bra to keep them in place?
- Do you shave your chest to improve the adherence of the forms?
- Has your spouse/SO taken notice and questioned your bare torso?
- On a scale of 1-10, 10 being high, how happy are you with your breast forms / appearance?
Anything else you'd like to add?
Thank you in advance!
xoxox, Emma
1. No particular brand or type. I keep a couple different sizes in my collection and wear whatever I feel like at the time. It sucks that they don't last forever. I've had pairs I like more than others come and go.
2. Only a recent pair I bought are self adhesive. I didn't use to buy them that way, but I was not disappointed when I did this time. Now it's a determining factor when I buy new ones in the future. Normally they are just tucked into my swimsuits. The self adhesive ones stay in place much better as I move around in the water.
3. I only shave body hair sometimes, but not for the dressing benefit. Sometimes I would take a shirt off and hair would get ripped off because they would somehow weave into the cloth on my shirt. Right now, I have no significant other to hide it from.
I would give my breast forms 8 out of 10. I like using them most of the time, but not all the time.
I got my forms from Glamour Boutique, along with a pocket bra, which is designed to hold them in place...and if you're wearing something which precludes a bra, they claim that surgical adhesive will work perfectly (but requires some effort to clean up afterward).
For appearance, I give them an 8, although I almost always stick with my natural "me".
- Mine are from The Breast Form Store, Gold Seal, Asymmetrical, Size 6. I plan to go with a size 5 soon.
- I use my bra(s) to hold mine in place. I have adhesive pads from The Breast Form Store but have never used them and don't plan
- I shave my chest but not for the mentioned reason. My wife has not questioned the chest shaving but has asked/mentioned my legs and arms. Has also said you missed spots on my back and if I want her to get those areas.
- I would rate mine a 10. I bought in 2009 and they are still in very good condition.
I feel they are worth the cost.
Thank you for asking this question Emma,
After years of looking, longing and a little bit of lusting I decided to treat myself earlier this year. I didn't want a massive pair as I'm quite 'curvy' anyway so I ordered a pair just to fill my bra 44D.
I wanted off the shoulder and halterneck dresses which arrived before the boobs did and couldn't wait to try my perfectly formed silicon busom 🙂
Disappointment No 1....They were too narrow, I tried 'em close together and looked like a scene from Alien, tried 'em further apart which left me with with big lumps under my armpits, not very sexy at all!
Disappointment No 2....They were so heavy that no amount of glue or tape would keep 'em in place, I sweated so much that they slithered and slid around, it was like wearing a live trout! The result was not very sexy either.
The good part of my tale of woe is that I had kept my old pair of homemade sponge boobs and got my cleavage back and I am now the proud owner of two perfecly formed titty shaped door stops.
Marks out of ten......?
Sally x
I like Forever Young forms - not the strap ones, and I'm not sure if they do adhesive ones or not - they don't match my skin exactly, so no point, and besides, I have no intention of showing them to anyone - it's for the look and feel.
They drop into bras easily, and, provided you have the right fit, they stay put, but give it nice jiggle and bounce like the real thing - and the weight and texture passes the squeeze test!
So no, I don't shave my chest - my wife likes it hairy. I do trim the top, so I can have nice necklines, with necklaces for the lowest tops I dare wear.
No cleavage - as I say, the colour doesn't match well enough, and I'm not fussed about cleavage on myself anyway.
I suppose you could apply makeup to colour match, but then you'd need adhesive for those moments you need to lean forward.
I love my forms - they are even moulded with realistic nipples for those tight tops. A thin bra gives exactly the right, subtle hint of the shape and draws eyes and compliments.
A girl needs compliments for the confidence boost!
Love Laura
Yes, we do! That's awesome! Thanks for the detailed reply!
Thanks! I feel bad laughing out loud at your disappointing experience, but you are too funny! These things happen when you're stuck with ordering things by mail!
I bought mine earlier this year from Glamour Boutique, and am very happy with them. Rating, got to be something like 9 or 10. They are size 4, and they fit my Warner's 38C bra perfectly. I do have adhesive, and use it sometimes, but these are heavy and won't stay on by themselves, so I can't go bra less, but they do have beautifully formed nipples which poke through just a bit. Like a previous poster said, they give a nice sexy look, if I am in a situation where I don't want them to show, I wear a heavier bra.
These also are soft, and feel like the real thing, though I've personally never had anyone try to feel me up, and they bounce like the real thing as well.
I don't have a lot of chest hair, bit have started shaving it, my wife must of noticed, but doesn't seem to mind.
Thanks for this post Emma, I don't have any yet and so am learning from, and enjoying the reponses as much as you are.
As posted elsewhere I have three pairs and my "go to's" are C Cup Gold seals from the Breast Form store. I use the double sided tape and adhesive wipes to attach them to my chest.
I always wear these when out in public as I feel they give me the most natural feel and appearance and a girl has to feel confident when "out and about".
They are also lovely to wear and sleep bra less, (just like a "real girl")
The other two have varying numbers of sticky pads on the back. The more sticky pads the more $$$$$$. They will not stay on for any length of time braless.
I do not like pocketed bras, for as is obvious, one way or another I like my forms attached.
Chest Hair" My beloved once complained about my chest hair poking above my summer tops and T shirts. Fixed that.......... Shaved all the way down to "you know where" and still do...
Satisfaction scale. Should be obvious... Love 'em to bits and would not be without 'em.
Wow! Great information! Thank you for the insights!
I've been wearing a pair of Aphrodite forms (size XL) for almost a year. Yes, they are expensive. But for me they are worth it. Once they are attached to my chest, they feel like a natural part of my body. They look very realistic and the silicone feels similar to female breast tissue. They are also safe to sleep in, which is a big plus. Short of HRT or breast augmentation surgery, I think the Aphrodite's are the closest I can come to having real female breasts. I'll give them 9/10. I'm deducting 1 point because they don't offer custom skin tone matching, while some other brands do. However, those other brands are even more expensive.
Previously, I've worn forms from Glamour Boutique, Nearly Me, and Transform. Those are all good, less expensive options. I do recommend them. But for various reasons, don't measure up to the high detail of the Aphrodite's. As others have said, I agree that it would be best to start out with very inexpensive forms. Amazon is an excellent source for these. It will take some experimentation to figure out what works for you. Once you have a good idea of what you're looking for, you might consider buying nicer forms.
As I mentioned, I attach the forms to my chest. I've never used tape to attach my forms. Only skin-safe adhesives. Of course, shaving your chest is a must to improve adhesion and to avoid a very unpleasant experience when removing the forms. Shaving has never caused a problem with my SO. She's never said a word about it. Luckily, my chest isn't very hairy.
The Aphrodite's have an adhesive backing that will keep them attached if you wear a bra. Several other brands also use an adhesive backing. This feature is a nice plus, and will enhance your femme experience. But I've found that the adhesive backing is not strong enough to go braless - at least with the larger sizes.
When used correctly, some silicone based adhesives will allow you to keep your forms attached for several days, go braless (maybe not the entire time), and even shower with them on. For safety reasons, it's important that you use an adhesive that's meant for human topical application. Don't buy silicone adhesive from your local hardware/home improvement store!
Hollister Medical Adhesive is a safe choice. But it's adhesive power puts it on the low end of this discussion. It comes in a spray can and is messy to apply. If you apply it to the forms AND to your chest, wait 5-10 minutes for it to dry, then carefully place the forms to your chest, it can last for a day or two. Sweat definitely degrades the bond with your chest. I don't like Hollister very much, but it's reasonably priced and easy to find.
Telesis adhesive (ppipremiereproducts.com) is widely used in the motion picture industry to attach all sorts of prosthetics to actors bodies. It is incredibly strong and durable, and is superior for attaching breast forms! When used in conjunction with Telesis Top Guard (skin prep and primer) and a strong anti-perspirant, your breast forms will stay attached for days!
Below is a general outline of the routine I use to attach my forms. It's a tedious process. But it gets faster with practice. You need to know beforehand exactly where your forms should be placed on your chest. Your forms can't be easily repositioned once the adhesive becomes tacky. Experiment without adhesive first to determine what position works best. Use an eyebrow pencil to make small guide marks on your chest.
Clean your forms if necessary with the recommended breast form cleaner. Shower and shave your chest. Dry off with a clean towel. Use a paper towel or cotton ball to thoroughly wipe your chest with 91% (or higher) isopropyl alcohol. Allow to dry. Use a cotton ball to wipe your chest with anti-perspirant designed for stage/FX makeup (Michael Davy Sweat Stop, Mehron Skin Prep Pro, or PPI Dry). Allow to dry. Use a cotton ball to apply a THIN coating of Telesis Top Guard to your chest. Allow to dry. Apply a THIN layer of Telesis adhesive to your forms using a Q-tip or cheap makeup brush. Apply a THIN layer of Telesis adhesive to your chest - staying inside the guide marks you made. Allow the Telesis adhesive to dry on the forms and your chest for at least 5 minutes. 10 minutes is better. Telesis will remain tacky for hours, so don't rush getting your forms on. Once the Telesis is tacky it's time to attach the forms to your chest. Lift the forms by the outside to avoid getting adhesive on your fingers. Very carefully place the forms on your chest starting at the top. Making sure you stay inside the guide marks, slowly lower the form onto your chest. Avoid stretching the forms while placing them. Try to place the middle of the form before the edges. This helps prevent air pockets. Assuming you got the forms positioned correctly, lay down on your back for about 10 minutes. Use your hands to gently press your forms into your chest. Telesis is pressure sensitive and will adhere better with gentle pressure. Make sure the edges are pressed down around the entire form. If you got any adhesive on your hands or on the outside of the forms, you can remove it with a bit of isopropyl alcohol. You are now ready to get dressed!
When the time comes to remove your forms, use Telesis Adhesive Remover, Telesis SuperSolv, Telesis SuperSolv Plus, or Hollister Medical Adhesive Remover. Gently work the remover solution under your forms with a Q-tip until they loosen. Gently pull the forms away from your chest as you spread the solution under the forms. Clean your chest and forms of any remaining adhesive with the remover. Cleanup is the worse thing about using adhesives.
Notes: Using the general method above, I've worn my Aphrodite forms continuously for over 4 days. This included showering daily and going braless on several occasions. I'm sure I could have gone longer since the bond was still strong when I removed them. My Aphrodite size XL forms weigh 737 grams each.
Notes 2: If you plan to have your forms attached for just a day or two (or less), you can probably skip the anti-perspirant, and definitely skip applying adhesive to your chest. Don't skip Top-Guard since it helps protect from skin irritation when removing your forms.
Notes 3: Telesis/PPI, Mehron, and Michael Davy products are generally available from stage/special effects supply retailers. The products are expensive, but they are superior quality and will last a long time if used correctly (less is more). Hollister Medical Products can be found on Amazon, some pharmacies, and specialty home health care retailers.
Sorry for the long post. I hope someone finds it useful. LMK if you have any questions.
I'm actually lining up to get a pair of aphrodites myself 🙂 Thanks for this post!
They're very nice forms and totally worth it for me. They've held up well with fairly frequent use. The only forms I've seen that I might consider an "upgrade" are some of the nicer breast plates. They do look a bit more realistic and showing cleavage is totally possible. I imagine you would sweat a lot wearing one, at least in warmer weather. That's the biggest reason I haven't bought one. Living in SoCal it's warm most of the year, and I sweat easily.
Enjoy your new Aphrodite's. I think you'll like them.