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Quite a while ago someone posted a vendor who sold clip on earrings that didn't harshly attach. They had a clear plastic bit that on the front side have what looks like a stud but then the clip portion loops under the earlobe to put pressure on the backside.
I ordered a pair and they were fantastic and never hurt. But I no longer have them and can't find the name of the vendor nor any thread mentioning them.
Anyone know what I am talking about?
There are more clip ons available than you realise.
On Ebay and the like just tap in clip on earrings, there's lots. Then there are loop earrings I have found in the mainsream stores that have the long stem for going through the ear and the back is a loop and spring clip to secure it into place. If you cut of the stem where it joins the loop then file it down you have a clip on earring. You may need to opening together a bit so it clips comfortably to the lobe.
There are quite a lot available for a very reasonable price and sometimes you will find three different sized loops together.
I have some some clip on earrings on amazon
they make an earring that uses a magnet. but i think you should just go for the pierced earrings. most places do it for free and it doesn't hurt. sooner or later you will get them pierced. so much better.
I bought a box of 15 Pairs Wholesale Clip on Earrings for Women from Amazon. The vendor was named Moonlit Dew, the brand was Tamhoo. I have had no problems with them at all and have sometimes worn a pair all day without pain.
I've tried the metal clip ons, and have a few in my collection. Longest I've been able to withstand is 5 min before I got a splitting headache.
Now, I have a huge collection of the ear rings you've described and I buy from her solely. I can wear them all day and don't feel a thing. Yeah, at first it can be tricky to put on but once you have a system going it doesn't take long.
pretty smart earrings
I have bought many clip ons from many vendors. What I have also bought are the rubber backers which fit on the clips. This allows me to wear them longer. They still start to hurt after a while but much longer wear