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Contemplating my navel, as in piercing

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Trusted Member     San Jose, California, United States of America
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Hi there, I've been thinking about getting my belly button pierced. I think it looks incredibly sexy, I'd love to hear any comments about your experiences. Thanks , Lydia

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Reputable Member     BW, Germany
Posts: 191

@melania a belly button piercing is one of the hardest piercings to heal completely. 

Abigail Happy Woman Face  

(@Anonymous 100087)
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@melania i think its a good idea. i love seeing a nice bellybutton piercing. it is really a girly thing to do. I'm all in for being as girly as i can be. I've had it done twice. once about 20 years ago and just last year. the first time i did it myself. it got ripped out after a while. lifting things it gets caught sometimes. i guess that could be fixed with a piece of Duck tape over it when working. i liked the dangly jewelry, its so sexy. i got both nipples pierced too. which I've done myself over 20 years ago. still got them and never had a problem with them. i also have a toe ring that i wear all the time. piercings can heal when not wanted anymore. not like tattoos that are there forever. go for it girl. you will enjoy it. i know i do.

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Honorable Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 314

@melania l have 3 piercings in my left ear and 1 in my right ear, 2 of the piercings l did myself while standing in front of the bathroom mirror.  I have no tattoos but l could never get a navel piercing,  not only because l am a diabetic thus making me nervous about it but also because l don't think my wife would approve,  my wife is great about my crossdressing and l need to respect what my wife's feelings are, l also have no need to pierce my navel. However best wishes on the piercing.

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 804

@melania I would agree, it looks great on a young flat stomach, Sadly I don't have one of those so I doubt it would achieve the desired effect. I had pierced nipples for many years but even after being healed for a decade they somehow picked up an infection which was excruciating so I had to take them out. I let them heal for a year or so & got them redone but they never healed properly so I had to abandon the idea. I would imagine that a belly button piercing would be very prone to infections purely from where it is located & so would be a painful experience. Obviously I'm not going to say don't do it, that's your choice & if you do then I wish you good luck but I would advise caution, Buyer beware would be the phrase in mind.

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Honorable Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 314

@melania hi Lydia l have 3 piercings in my left ear and 1 in my right. I did 2 of the piercings myself while standing in front of the mirror. However l could never get my navel pierced. I don't think my wife would approve,  also l am a diabetic and that would make me nervous,  good luck on the piercing

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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Hi Lydia!

The truth is the thought of getting a naval piercing fills me with fear and dread. In college I had my left ear pierced for a while. It was kind of a fad in the early 80s. I allowed the hole to close about a year later. I have been thinking about getting both ears pierced. It is so much more acceptable now.

The thing that drew me to your post was the title. I own and sometimes play a card game called Munchkin. It is a humorous take on D&D type adventures. The object of the game is to reach level 10 first. There is s card in it that states "contemplate your navel. Go up a level". So.......

Congrats on gaining a level 😉



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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Lydia -

That is something I would never consider doing and my wife wouldn't allow (I know my body my choice but I do need to accept limits - I'm thankful she accepts my dressing) but if it is something you want ... . Just research before you decide regarding infections and such. Remember if you don't like it you can always let it close.


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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Each to their own, but it's something I wouldn't do.

My wife has suggested that I get my ears pierced which I don't really fancy, nor do I have any tattoos.

The idea of deliberately penetrating my skin is really uncomfortable for me.


Anna xx

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New Member     NL, Netherlands
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I'd say go for it! You can always take it out if you don't like it.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I have tattoos and ear piercings, I'd get another 'girly' tattoo and I've even contemplated getting a second ear piercing; one thing I wouldn't do, is get pierced anywhere else.

Many years ago, at the end of the eighties, I lived in The Netherlands and being young and virile, all things sex were on my mind--one of those things was nipple piercing, and I had it done.

It was done in a very clinical environment with a Dutch piercer in Den Haag (The Hague) and at first I was very pleased with the result.

Now there is one thing about being young (ish) and that's that we have to work, and work means activity, and some of the time, I had to lift heavy boxes of equipment. Now think about how you lift something that is heavy and then carry it in front of you, you know, where the box has to rise to and where it rests. Now you know why having nipple piercings was a seriously bad idea. I kept them in a while, trying to persevere through the constant bashing they received. TBH, I don't think they ever came close to healing as they were always suffering from blunt trauma.

After six months or so, I gave up and removed them, the relief was palpable.

I know the nipples are higher and perhaps more vulnerable than the belly button, but they are supposed to heal better than the navel and they just didn't, so it doesn't bode well for the tummy. Women have hips, so while a navel piercing is healing, their clothes can sit lower, a cross-dresser with the male shape might well mean that clothes will sit right over the piercing with the concomitant buffeting from waistbands.

That is my experience and thoughts, but you must have your own, I hope a piercing goes better for you than it did for me.


PS My wife had hers done at the same time and she managed to keep them for two or three years, but in the end, they became just something that was in the way and hers went too.

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
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I have my belly pierced and I love it! I pierced it twice, actually. First time I let it heal for reasons I can't remember, but probably something purge-related. A few years later I got it redone, and I'm not letting it get away this time! It's cute and sexy, and didn't hurt very much either time. I'd share a pic but I'm not sure if it would break the rules.

Keeping it clean while it heals is a bit of a nuisance, though, as is dressing/undressing/using a towel, because it can get caught on clothes so easily. You'll also want to avoid corsets and anything tight-fitting until it heals. Once it's nice and healed up it shouldn't give you any troubles, though wearing super tight stuff might feel a bit strange, since there is an extra bit of metal there.

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Noble Member     Clearwater, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

I wouldn't want to bring any more attention to my stomach area which is one of the least attractive parts of my body. However, for someone who looks good in a midriff top it could be a fun girly thing to try.


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