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Hi all I have just taken to wearing a corset some of the time. I'am finding them a lovely feeling and was wondering if there are many others out there that wear a corset often. I like the fact you can sinch down your waist or wear it looser for a lovely hug. What do you think.
I purchased my first corset back in December(?) of last year. I absolutely love it! Luckily, I have more of a womanly shape than I do a manly shape, but the corset just amplifies it. I’ve been wearing it more and more with my dresses and you just can’t deny that wonderful feeling from the hug.
Hi Flora your so right about the hug. Wearing a corset is way more comfortable than I imaged. Thanks for replying
I don't set foot out the door without a corset/waist trainer. I just don't like my shape without it. They can be a little pinchy or irritating over long periods, but I just get used to it.
Anytime, Ive tried to wear one, I don't like the way it feels or fits. For me it accentuates my stomach instead of hiding it, but I really haven't given them much of a chance. A lot of girls love them. '
Jennifer- I am so happy you started this thread…I have been considering wearing a waist cincher recently and was curious about the comfort, etc.
What brand etc did you research and buy?
The thing I like about my corsets is that they give you that shape and hug we need for good posture. It always puts me in a girlie mode even if wearing it under drab clothing
Where is everyone buying theirs from?
I also enjoy wearing a corset.
I do enjoy how it shapes my waist and gives me more of the hour glass shape.
I have tried some full that go over the bust and halfs that go under the bust. The halfs are what I would typically wear.
It's a bit of a learning experience to get them done up right by yourself. I have found that using an open door and placing one of the laces around each side of the door knob allows me to step forward and tension as tight as I feel like that day.
I'm lucky in that Mrs B is an ex professional corset maker so I have quite the collection. I do like the way they fit but I've never been able to wear them for more than a day at a time without getting heartburn. Also I am a semi professional lounger & corsets are not ideal for crashing out & watching telly. Good for posture but not really suitable for the comfy sofa 😆
I have a waist trainer albeit I rarely use it these day as I find it uncomfortable and makes my walk look very awkward and not femme at all! (it does give a great cinch though!)
I was curious about getting a corset to try- what are they like to wear compared to a waist trainer?
I wear a waist clincher, or a shape wear-type waistcoat which clinches from diaphragm down to hips
I wore corsets during my younger years, when I had a much different figure. Back then I enjoyed the figure which the corset gave me and the feeling of wearing it.
In the present day, I will almost always wear a waist cincher and own several of them. The rare exception is when I wear a long line bra or an outfit where it is just not appropriate to wear either a cincher or or a long line bra.
I own other types of shapewear, and depending on the outfit, sometimes will employ something totally different. I enjoy the endless options, which in the drab world of male clothing does not exist.
I have several corsets but I do prefer a waist sincher (Rago style 21) which has garter straps stockings which I prefer over pantyhose. Happy sinching!
Corsets are one of my favorite items. Just love the way it squeezes me. Started out with a good quality under bust corset manufactured from a place in London. Don't remember the name of the manufacture but it had the Union Jack on the label. Purchased it from a store in Las Vegas decades ago that catered to the transgender and crossdressing community. Wore it until the material came apart and the boning started popped through. I recently purchased two new corsets from Orchard Corset (styles CS-701 and CS-511, both size 32 and in satin) that I'm still breaking in. Got the CS-701 (standard under bust corset) to help me get a feminine appearance and be able to wear it under my male clothing. The CS-511 is a long line over-the-bust corset and purchased it simple because it was different than what I had before. Still trying to figure out how which outfits go best with it. An item I would suggest purchasing is some type of corset liner. It is a simple tube top you wear under the corset to help keep the oils from your body getting on the corset, and it also helps with reducing some pinching or rubbing.