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Doing your own make up

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Eminent Member     West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

How many of you wonderful ladies do there own make up cos if you do you have my upmost respect I tried yesterday and gave as a very bad job I'm very look to having a partner who is very understanding and sees putting make up on me like one big practice canvas and she loves it as long as I clean the brushes and put it all away when done shes not fussed

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Joined: 9 years ago

This may sound controversial, but a basic makeup job isn't too hard to do. Like most things, it's a matter of practice, but in my case it's also a matter of how many corners I'm willing to cut.

Excluding the shaving, this was about 15 minutes work:

I  won't win any modelling contracts off the back of it, but it's sufficient for a day out in the real world.

I'm happy to go through my routine if you're interested.


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Hello Candy!

For good or for bad, I have nobody to blame about my makeup than myself! 😆

Truth of the matter is that there is a lot of technique and skill involved, and even more for those of us who are on the best side of *cough* fifty. Good news is that it is a learned skill, and with enough practice, you will be able to improve. And you have all the tools available over the web to learn from!

Gaby 💜

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Eminent Member     West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you so much will have a gander xxx

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Active Member     Wenatchee, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

I am in my 60's and have just started doing makeup after 50 some odd years of dressing. I finally had a lady show me how  and now am trying to work on it myself a little at a time. It would be nice to have someone do it for me but I want to learn so when I go out soon I will have the satisfaction of doing me up as a lady. Plus if I need a touch up during the evening I will know how.

It would be nice to have someone close that could show me things when I get stumped. But there is not much of anything here around me  for gurls like us.

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Estimable Member     Mantua Township, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago! We can learn anything there😁

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Eminent Member     Linwood, New Jersey, United States of America
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I'm lucky to have found two make-up artists that have been teaching me.  The First one is a Crossdresser himself and teaches other crossdresser and trans individuals.  Took his three hour lesson that got me started and i can say confidently that i can make my face into a black canvas to work on because of him, so long as i get a close shave on my face.

He is a six hour drive to and from my house so have not had another lesson from him since last December, but then i found an artist a few towns over who does everything from children's face painting to full body make-up who has been helping me these last couple of months.  She has been helping me with contouring, different eye make-up tips and has just been helping me fill in places that i tried learning on line, but have been have no luck on.

So my advice would be to look up make-up studios or artists in your area and see if any of them do alternative make-up.  That's how i found that second artist, and just see if they can help you.  Nothing ventured nothing gained, that's what i have been following this entire summer.

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Estimable Member     Kingston, Ontario, Canada
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I have always done my own makeup and it's my favorite part of my routine.  I never had the courage to head into a salon or ask for help at the makeup counter so all my hints and tips have come from the internet via websites and youtube,  and if I want to age myself even more from some magazines.  I was blessed to find a super supportive wife,  but she never wears makeup unless she absolutely has to,  so her makeup skills are just the basics.



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Eminent Member     Harleston, Suffolk, United Kingdom
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I love make-up. It's my favourite part of the feminisation process.  I often think if GG's didn't wear Make-up, it would be more difficult to Transform ourselves into our female selves. YouTube is an amazing resource, that with practice.  Enjoy taking the time being feminine, it's part of the routine and ritual of being a woman.


Amanda x

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Honorable Member     Pleasant Hill, California, United States of America
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I've been doing my own make-up as long as I've been wearing it, with the exception of once with my most recent ex and frankly I do a better job.  Watching way too many youtube videos helped, of course, particularly ones done by genetic males as they showcase a lot of "camoflage" techniques to feminize the shape of your face.  Having an artistic eye helps considerably; it's important to know what colors work well with your outfit and skin tone.

The other thing that's vital for is a steady hand.  If you're nervous about it it will definitely show, so just be comfortable and confident in yourself.  Really the only tricky part is getting that left eye (or right if you're left-handed) but again practice makes better.

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Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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Hi Candy I am excactly the same as you.I rely a hundred per cent on my wife to apply my makeup.If I did it myself I would be in one heck of a mess.I have to say she does a great job.She is as expert taking it off as putting it on.When it comes off at night she leaves not a trace behind.So the next day I can go out in public with no tell tale signs of my female alter ego.

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Reputable Member     Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

I am with Cynthia, I have always done my own makeup and love doing it. It is my favorite part of being a woman to be able to change my look to what I want at the time or for my outfit. I would love to get a professional make over to help with my technique but again I love being able to change my eye liner style and my eye color and thick lips vs. thin lips on the day I feel the need.


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