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Hi Girls. Now the topic for today, is self esteem, confidence and progress. I have put this in the makeup and beauty forum because its all about just that!!
Dont be afraid to experiment, dont be disillusioned by the results, keep trying. Makeup takes a long time to perfect, i am still learning, i dont think i'll ever stop.
The reason i am posting this, is to give others hope and to make it clear that we all have our crossdressing triumphs and fails. DO NOT take this to heart. Learn from your mistakes, turn them into useful positives. I failed (or at least i think i have) in trying a Brunette wig, on second glance, it brings out all my bad features and makes me look 'witchy' . Of course, this is largely dependent on the colour of clothes, your makeup etc. For me it was a huge moral crusher, but then i got to thinking, i can go two ways, i can give up or i can try harder. I'm not a quitter, so i am going for the latter. The same goes for you, you can throw your hands up in despair or you can bite the bullet and try harder, now what's it going to be?
It can be so hard when you are excited about getting new clothes, a new wig, makeup, perfume, whatever and it doesnt work out for you, but without that valuble experience, how would you ever know to not do that again?
I firmly believe that anyone can look good, there is no such thing as you cant. It all depends on time, experience and sheer grit determination. My Brunette wig will live another day, it gives me impetus to think up new ideas and try to make a negative into a huge positive. Dont ever lose hope girls!!! keep trying and trying 🙂
Fiona-Ann xxx
I don't wear a wig anymore, so last weekend I tried curling my shoulder length hair. Turned out decent, everyone liked it.
Thanks Fiona! We all need encouragement and positive reinforcement.
Hi Fiona,
I am a little discouraged today for various reasons.
Your post couldn't have better timing.
I needed that.
Thank you so much
They frequently can have a "wardrobe failure " at the most inopportune time
Lol Tammie, as long as you have hair there in the first place!! unfortunately for me, there is all beach where there used to be waves......
Fiona-Ann xxx
A WIG ? LOL would not know that from your profile photo. Your "hair" looks wonderful as does ur makeup Do u do ur own makeup?
My SOGGF (she saw me looking at ur profile photo ) and I are jealous of u she said Tammie you should contact her her hair is Fabulous and the length i wish u would let ur own hair grow to .
4 years ago when I first started XDING in public at my SOGGF'S insistence,., my hair wasn't quite long enough to be look styled like hers. As she is a Breast CANCER survivor of several years, during the 2 years of her chemotherapy and radiation treatments she lost her hair. At time she by accident discovered me wearing an outfit of hers her hair had grown back long enough 2 be worn in a Short female Pageboy Anyhow she lent me a wig of hers, that was a dark brunette color almost black (kinda like ur wig failure , I wore it for 8 days until my "WIG failure " incident" it was on a Friday night leaving a restaurant at 10pm to go to a nightclub, we were waiting for a OUR car to be returned to us by the valet service, an unexpected strong gust of wind blew the wig off my head, luckily toward SOGGF, who managed to catch it, said "TAMMIE u forgot to wear the wig cap and more than three bobby pins" . Just then car hop drove up with our car .. we got in car went home instead of to the night club...boy was I embarrassed when carhop says to me have a nice rest of evening sir at what ever party you are going to tonight. Early Next morning, SOGGF while doing my makeup about 730am prior our plans for afternoon shopping, says Tammie u can't have another embarrassing wig failure, its supposed to be windy again this afternoon I have a hairstylist appointment at 11 AM, I'll call her and she if she can fit u in while my coloring sets up, bet my hair stylist, could give you a nice looking and convincing short female PIXIE styling. At 8am she calls stylist at her cellphone number, says Nancy I have friend that needs her shorter than mine hair styled nice, last night's wind blew her wig off when we left a restaurant after dinner. would u be able to nicely style her hair? today? Nancy says both of you come in at 915 AM, my first appointment for 2day.called me Friday morning to cancel her color/cut/perm appointment. SOGGF says great Nancy, Tammie, my friend and I will be there by 910am. That's what we did, but boy was I shocked meeting Nancy, she was the same Nancy that I for 10 years prior doing my Male haircut... salon has three Nancy's..I didn't know SOGGF'S Nancy was same Nancy.. she same saying nice meeting u Tammie, sitting down and lets she what kind of of short feminine hairstyle you would look nice in. After a few minutes she said Tammie how about a short Pixie with some medium dark brown hair color ur roots are turning a little bit gray..then during the 30 minutes it takes 4 the color 2 set up time for your shampoo I can do your friend's color, by the time I finish with you PIXIE styling, your friend will be finished with her shampoo and eyebrow waxing she will ready for her has ir styling, by the way Tammie your eyebrows would look much better if you have a eyebrow waxing with Katie while you wait for you friend. Your friend told me u both are going shopping this afternoon, then u both will be looking fabulous for your Girls afternoon shopping. Come a little after noon we were finished. As we were walking to car to go shopping, a 30ishs lady walking past me on her way in to salon says to me Honey you & your friend are looking knock down gorgeous today you must have something special to go to tonight, SOGGF said yes Tammie and I are going shopping this afternoon before going to a 11pm nightclub show we didn't get to yesterday because of the wind. Lady says to us I don't have any thing to do tonight, would you mind if I join you, we could meet up at a restaurant about 8pm to have dinner together before hand. If it is the nightub I think it they are having a N1970s disco night, may I suggest you both wear a spandex mini dress or a spandex bodysuit with a miniskirt, and knee high boots.
SOGGF says okay miss, what is ur name I'm Janice Lady says nice meeting you both I'm Katie let's meet at Maggiano's a few blocks from the the night club.
That's what we did except we could not find any knee high boots shopping that afternoon. But we got twin sheer black spandex mesh bodysuits [almost like pantyhose] and twin red spandex lace 8" miniskirt. We met Katie at restaurant downtown. First thing Katie says to us , wow how hot you two look, the guys at the club will be fitting each other to have a dance with you. Don't turn around there are two guys walking towards us. KATIE was right re guys competing with each other for dances with us. Come 3am closing time Katie says it nice tonight lets save taxi fare to the parking lot and walk the 5 blocks to it. Boy was it quite an experience if u get mmy drift. Usually warm 2nd Saturday night in October.
had a great time, now the three us frequently have a Girl's night out together with dinner b4hand sometimes. We now know don't go to that club anymore courtesy of Katie.
Thank you Fiona i love your posts.
Hi Fiona,
Thanks for your positive and supportive post.
Hi Tammie, i always do my own makeup!! true it takes ages and ages but its worth it in the end!! Yes it is a wig, i am as bald as a coot!! Actually i lost my hair when i was about 22, i used that shampoo called wash and go.... i washed my hair and it went....!!
So sorry to hear of your partners previous cancer, very worrying, but happy now things are good 🙂
wow! you do live an exciting life!! i could do with a night out!! *giggles*
Thanks so much for sharing your long post with us! it must have taken you ages to type it all out!!
Take care hun and thankyou 🙂
Fiona-Ann xxx
Great post as always
Hi Fiona,
Thanks for the supportive and encouraging post. I will keep trying to look my best.