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Hi all,
My fiancee and I are looking at going to a drag show in the near future. She has been I have not. My question is as a straight cross dresser out with my fiancee at an event like this, should I dress or not and to what extreme? Will my dressing be a distraction from the show. Is it a cuth thing?
attending a drag show is one of the safest activities to perform while dressing up. The venue already has to be cd/tg friendly, or they wouldn’t be allowing the show. Only exception would be if it was church related, but really, shouldn’t be an issue.
Even if you run into somebody you know... well, what are they doing there to start with? 🙂 and you can even say that your fiance dared you to dress up if you must...
once there, be sure top have lots of bills to hand out to the performers.. as long as you don’t try to get up on stage they will not have any issues with you being in the audience.
I would suggest you go in your favorite ensemble!
Now that said, is this a comedy show or play that interacts with the audience? (here I go over thinking things).
If it is and they discover a "sister" in the audience, they may call unwanted attention to you. You have to be okay with that. It may or may not be an issue, but something to consider.
Best to you my love!
I've been to many drag shows - always in drab. I've seen many girls dressed in the audience dressed. If you go with someone else, it is especially cool. Now, in-between performances, the drag queens banter with the crowd, so you might get a little business. If you look really good, they'll probably pass over you.
Oh, be prepared for guys to flirt with you.