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i recently bought 2 dresses. I haven’t really ever had the chance to wear dresses before. 2 issues, 1 they are very tight on me and I need to lose a few pounds. Any advice on how to cinch the tummy while not making it obvious that I’m wearing something to do so? And 2, how do I get the zipper in the back up without someone helping me? And then how do I get it down when it’s up by myself?
Not sure about the tummy thing as I have the same problem, But i did learn about the zipper, I usually zip it up half way before putting on the dress & then I can reach around & finish zipping. When taking it off the same routine works for me. Hoping my soon to be wife will be willing to help me with it next time 🙂
Good luck and hugs,
If its tight or snug and you're trying to hide it, it won't end well. Only option might be a full corset.
Or a slightly larger size.
I agree with Billijo on the zipper approach. Works pretty well
Hi Claudia
A bit of a left field solution to your troubles here.
As a long time recreational fisherman who has had the same problem getting zips done up from behind., I take three lengths of fishing line. Two are shorter and I attach them with safety pins to either side of the zip. The other is longer and attaches to the zip itself. So to do it up I hold the two pieces "down" and use the long bit to pull the zip "up" over my back. To undo the zip just reverse the process.
Now this is fine if you are only dressing in private, but messy if you are going out. But of course unless this is a solo trip, you should have someone to help you in and out of the zip.
Other "fishing tricks of the trade" I have learned is using the cheap brass line swivels and fuse wire to attach and repair such things as bracelets and necklaces
Happy zipping.
Unless the dress is very tight fitting and the sleeves restrict my movements too much I use my left hand to pull the dress down as far as possible while arching backwards an pull the zipper as high as possible with my right hand, ending up with the zipper between my index finger and long finger to push it the last centimeters. After that I pull the dress up until I can reach the zipper over my shoulder and zip it up the last bit, still arching backwards. To unzip the dress the process is reversed. Occasionally this approach isn't working and I then use a piece of string and a safety pin or paper clip to pull the zipper up and down. The string can farily easy be removed once the zipper reach the neck.
Ladies.....there is a tool out there for doing zippers up and down by yourself. It is basically just a string with a little fook on the end. Find in fabric/sewing Centers. Basically the same as Catys' fishing line invention. As far as tight off the rack dresses go....maybe a seamstress or tailor could let the seams out a tad. If it is tight on...when sitting you could burst the zipper and it also pulls the dress all wonky in some areas. Not cool for us girls.
Dame Veronica
There is a pretty good chance you bought the wrong size.
I would guess as others have you bought the wrong size dress and as Veronica said if you do get it zipped you may sit down and blow the zipper or one of the seams out.
Love to know that they do sale the zipper sting Veronica will have to go look for that soon.
Sara Marie
I can suggest several things for holding your waist - there are many body briefs/shapers such as Spanx and many are pretty seamless. I got one that gives a decent tightness from AliExpress. Then there is the waist cincher/trainer - usually 12" of the hooks with a small bump that doesn't show too much in front. If you can wear it 8-12 hours a day, over months your waist will be smaller. It also helps reduce appetite since it puts gentle pressure on your belly. Or a corset - mine has steel boning for when I need drop to 30" waist. That does take more effort to get on and off.
I am flexible enough to get most zippers, but the safety pin or similar device now provided on new clothing hooked to a string is an easy way to get it to your neck and then disconnected. If the zipper normally stops in mid back, you may have tuck it in.
Hugs, Ellen