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Could be cross-posted to the GG forum, too.
How do you girls deal with dressing in the summer. By the time I get forms, bra and hose on I’m sweating like a pig. Even without putting on a summer weight dress yet. Takes 30 minutes for me to cool down enough to start makeup. How do others deal with this problem? Am I just too fat?
I emigrated to Australia from the UK eleven years ago, and it took me six or seven years to get used to the summer heat (or specifically the humidity) in the area in which I live. And it's pretty mild in comparison with some areas too.
I've never found the clothes much of an issue - bra, panties and a dress are cooler and lighter than most male stuff I wear. But a layer of concealer and foundation, plus a wig? That took some getting used to. I even briefly grew out my hair in order to ditch the wigs altogether, but it didn't really work for me.
Anyway, I'm pretty much used to it now, and can dress fully, with makeup and wig, and go out on days where it's over 30C
Try showering in cool water before hand, and shampoo your hair if long enough for a fully enfem hair style.
It helps if you keep your AC on about 72° or 74° in my area today it was 85°F
.my SOGGF decided that 2day I had 2 wear the following being that she was taking me shopping at a nearby mall
- Blue/White/Black Spandex BodyCon Minidress. It's Blue with white and black vertical wide stripes on right and left sides each color stripe about 3" wide main body of dress is royal Blue. Nicely tight And Short,
- Leggs ACTIVE Support Suntan Pantyhose SOGGF says when a lady wears a miniskirt outfit or minidress PHOSE ie required regardless of the weather and temperature UNLESS one is at the beach.
- Fingers French Manicured and pedicured RUBY RED TOES.
- HOT CURLING IRONED Hair after shampooing and blow drying after applying Tresume Curling Moose
- Black Flats.
TTook me about 1.5 hour including makeup and hair.
Got to run, going to a late dinner
Since my only dress of choice is one piece swimsuits that are under my normal male clothes as I head to the lake and wait for night fall, I do not have that problem. There are times though that it is so hot outside that I have to find somewhere to hide so that I can take off my shirt and roll the top part of my suit down beneath my belt line under my shorts. Since my preferred swimsuit of choices are racer back and similar athletic styles, I know that my sweat on those hot days will soak my shirt and make that obvious appearance through it.
At home, there are no trees in my yard to shade my roof, so when the sun is beating down on it and my A/C is struggling to cool my house causing me to sweat inside of (what is supposed to be) the comfort of my own home, I find that taking a cool shower will stop the sweating for a little while.
The heat and humidity is the heat and the humidity. I'm affect the same how i choose to dress. It can be horrible, but it is life. I cannot, however, speak of how makeup would change my opinion as I do wear any.
MacKenzie Alexandra
The wig is the hottest thing for me. Skirts and tops are what I usually wear and they tend to be cooler than even shorts and a t-shirt. Fro me, part of the overheating issue is in the excitement of dressing. Take your time, dress slowly and thoughtfully. Take time to enjoy the process. Maybe put on makeup dressed in bra and panties? Then finish dressing. A fan in the bathroom can help during makeup application as well.
Pantyhose, platform wedges and short summer dresses is pretty much me everyday in the summer months. A bra with silicone forms can be hot and sticky. I bought some foam forms for that. The wig can be hot like wearing a hat. You just have to limit your time out with one on.
As far as sweating goes, and the effects it has on your makeup, I've always fond to be a challenge. My solution for that has been to be very close shaved and put on some lipstick and large mirrored sunglasses. it looks fem and hides the fact I'm not wearing makeup except for lipstick.
Before getting dressed on a hot day I make sure the house is well aired, have a cold drink, then if needed have a cool off in front of a fan for a little while. I get my into panties, bra & falsies; I don't bother with tights, just go bare legged and wear a loose light skirt and top. A brush of my hair - after that I'm ready, (I don't wear a wig, as I have grown my hair long in gender neutral style – I don't wear makeup either). Usually I potter round the house bare foot, or if I going out for a little walk I wear a pair of lightweight shoes.
I choose a very light weight, stretchy bra for the summer.
Also the thinnest tights I can get away with, in a tan colour to tone down not hide my hairiness.
Because I choose unfrequented fields for my summer dress walking, it's never been an issue.
I've only met a few people, and, like most Brits, they only talk about the weather!
Love Laura
I don't do anything different apart from a lighter weight dress and lean to a lighter color unless what and where I'm going might be better in dark colors. To me the issue is my silicone forms. I have considered looking for something different to use in high temp situations however the area I live has more mild temps though I have been out in 100 degree F days. I will likely just live with it!
Just like you would normally to be honest... If you are going to a place where it is hot for you, you might want to dress lighter... You also could get lighter make up or just go with a BB Cream if you are going to be hot and sweating. Dress and prepare for the occasion appropriately.
I'm too hairy on the legs and arms and would get into deep strife with "the Boss" if I shaved it all off.. So once the Oz summer hits, Caty "reverse hibernates" until the cooler autumn days arrive.
As I have stated on this site before "Cross Dressing is a winter sport".
Similar for me. Except where I am in Northern California, sometimes we can get mild to cool summer days which give me a chance to dress. Also from time to time I'll dress partially, or dress as I normally would except for a wig.
I couldn’t do just a winter sport - love summer dresses too much!
I've often thought like this as well. Obviously the biggest issue is arms and legs. I have shaved my legs before in the winter, but when it's easily covered it's not a huge issue. I can't bring myself to shave my arms though, too many questions. So, like you, cross dressing is best done in the colder months for me. Finding pretty dresses with sleeves can be tough tho! Any suggestions?