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Okay, after a year of dressing I'm ready to try more makeup. So far I've limited myself to lip gloss and that's about it.
I'd like some suggestions for mascara that is easy to put on and especially that is easy to take off. I'm not worried about long lasting, waterproof, smudge proof etc. Just a basic mascara that goes on easy and looks okay.
This is so when I mess up I can erase the whole mess and start over without a lot of fuss.
Any help/suggestions/anecdotes would be appreciated.
Hi Leah,
Well, I will attempt to help.
I am not very experienced at makeup application. Also, my knowledge of the products available is limited. I have been doing my own mascara ever since I had the inkling to look pretty.
So here goes, my knowledge is from watching you tube videos. Many are enlightening and fun.
1. Get a good make up mirror with magnification, good lighting is essential- either built in to your mirror or external. 2. Get a comfortable chair and place to do all of this as it takes time and you don't want to rush it. 3. Get a good quality mascara, Maybeline, CoverGirl, ELF, many brands out there. 4. Get your self an eyebrow combo tool [ pencil and brush]. OR just find a set of brushes with an eye brow brush. 5. If you like-good idea- get yourself some makeup cleansing pads - if you don't already have them.
BEGIN: I will apply a bit of any good quality mascara with the supplied brush first. A pro trick( Sephora) is to bring the brush to 1/2 of your eyelash and blink a couple of times. You will need to do this again for the other half. OR, If you are lucky you may be able to do your whole lash once.
Now stop and look at what you have. If it is too clumpy or not enough, then try to adjust it with your eyes open this time. Since mascara applicator is full of mascara, My little trick is to use an eyebrow brush that is clean to help you reduce clumpiness and separate the lashes. You can keep it clean/dry with the cleansing pads.
By going back and forth with the mascara and clean brush, always looking to see how you are doing - of course, you can achieve just what you like.
I have never used the catchy, latest fad type mascara. Stick with the tried and true quality basic stuff.
I sure hope I was able to help a little and that it was not to sophmorish.
-Terri Anne
Hi Leah...
Terri has done a great job on the application of mascara.
In regards to removing mascara take a cotton disk/pad with the makeup remover on it. Lay the pad/disk over the eyelash for a minute or two. This will dissolve/break down the mascara and make it easier to remove.
I use Garnier makeup remover.