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Eyebrows gone wild

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Okay so I know that it's late but I just noticed my eyebrows and they seem to be all over the place. Now, I dress privately so I want to do something to my eyebrows so that they look nice but also not awkward when I go to work in male clothes. Any suggestions?

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Hi Rachel...

You can get a unisex trim and shaping of the brows.

There are a lot of good brow gel products you can try.

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Reputable Member     Middlesex, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Lot of girls wear their eyebrows wide today, which is good for us girls. It's just a matter of trimming your eyebrows so they're not bushy (a lot of males trim bushy eyebrows) and the edges straight instead of uneven.

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Great Thanks for the advice. I looked up some eyebrow shapes and several of them are thick...its really helpful to know that thick eyebrows are fine.

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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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I have a hair salon that does mine waxing & coloring and shaping for the ENFEM look with slim thin EBs.

My SOGGF has me dressing fully enfem has "giggles" dressing FULLY ENFEM 24/7 since outing me early in  October ,in 2014 IIRC.

Little did she know that she was giving me what I dreamed of  living openly as a woman.

I just met some former friends from out of town and excoworkers  one a receptionist at one firm, even said Tammie, I think you really look nice and very feminine. I always thought you might be transgender. You were always asking me about how I make you my hair and face so nicely especially my eyes andbnb hair, then one day you came to me and asked about my eye lashes mascara, then next day I noticed that it looked like you were wearing a little bit of makeup and so trace amounts of mascara. The other day when I happened upon her in a ladies lounge in hotel's conference center near my prior job, She said is That you Jammie,? I said shish D Yes, since I got laid off yrs ago and I had to move in with my SOGGF, ONE DAY SHE CAME HOME FROM A BUSINESS TRIP 3DAYS EARLY. Boy was she pissed off, when she found me wearing her spare pair of breasts forms. Then she said okay how about we have a GIRL'S DAY LUNCH TOMORROW, U LOOK FABULOUS much better than Jammie, what is the name u go by now Girl, I said Tammie. Then D said you need you bushy eyebrows waxed and trimmed. My SOGBF  gets his done  just like mine.

Long story go for it some women rather a man trim and waxed EBs.






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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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Be careful especially with the DIY gel, it can get on you eye lid / lashes and even remove lashes if NOT IMMEDIATELY cleaned off with CLEAN H2O

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Great Thanks for the advice....will keep it in mind...

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Eminent Member     Searcy, Arkansas
Joined: 7 years ago

I too have very bushy (Andy Rooney type) eyebrows and my daughter taught me a little trick to tame them. Brush them straight up and then trim the excess with a small trimmer, I use my bikini trimmer and it works great. It't quick and easy.

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That is a very neat trick


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