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Has anyone considered or used intense pulse light hair removal?
Shaving is such a hassle I am seriously considering getting it done on my beard. Is it good? How long does it last? They advertise it is permanent.
How was your experience getting it done?
Did you have negative effects?
Seems to me it is something any of us can do to make life easier, even those that switch between presenting male and female.
I have used IPL extensively on my legs, a lot on my body, rarely on my face. There is only so much time in a day.
IPL works very well and is supposed to be permanent. The roots get damaged enough that they can't ever regenerate hair again. I have been using it for about two years.
Now, remember, there are two grades of intensity - home use and commercial. Commercial wands are much more powerful and can be painful (take a general pain pill before you start), but they will get the job done much more quickly. You might want to find out if there are any local bylaws about using IPL on facial hair, too.
Facial hair can be very robust, so plan accordingly. It could take a very long time eliminating, say, your chin whiskers with a home wand, plus you are dealing with curved surfaces near your eyes. Even tonight I was still working over a few remaining stubborn hairs on my legs, but eventually they will be gone.
I would highly recommend searching for and reading my detailed posts here about using IPL. Afterwards, if you have some specific questions, I would be happy to help you.
I was thinking of getting it done, not doing it myself. The place I am looking at advertises the facial prices so I don't expect and legal issue tying things up.
So technique ect isn't an issue as it is someone who does it professionally doing it not me.
It is good to hear you did it and it is permanent.
Did you have negative side effects at all?
I will check out your posts if I can find them.
Hopefully others will have experiences to share that will help.