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Does anyone have any information on sizing fake nails for us gurls? all I see are fitted for women's nails. I really do not want to go into paying 10 times more for ones labeled for cross dressers. Thanks in advance for any help. Jo
If your thumb nails are 18mm wide or less then it should be easy to get nails that fit. False nails usually come in sizes 0 to 9.
0=18mm wide, 1=17mm, 2=16mm, and so on down to 9=9mm.
I've just checked and found that a few places sell a size 0.50 and 00 which I suspect are 19mm and 20mm.
Your nails and the false nails are curved so you need a flexible tape measure to measure your widths. Do it at the widest point of the nail. Alternatively use a piece of sticky tape and mark the edges of your nail on it and transfer the tape to a ruler to measure.
I have to admit it was tying false nails that made me decide to give up biting my nails and grow them properly. My nails are rather flat so the false nails had to be compressed to fit which then meant they felt like they were pulling the middle of my nails upwards by spring action. They ached after a while.
Good luck with your nails!
I have been making my own for a few years now. Sally Beauty Supply sells a kit of nails that's marketed as "Alternative lifestyles" with larger sizes. I just shape them and then use 2 sided tape to apply them. A whole package of nails costs me less than $15.00
How about doing what I do, I wear FRENCH MANICURE NAILS now 100% of the time.
Never gotten any negative comments. Matter of fact one time
The first time I had a truly feminine colored manicure with acrylic nail tips and a pedicure with color toenails was about 4 years ago when my SOGGFs office was having their annual Awards Dinner Ceremony. It was s a FORMAL ATTIRE required event.
As she was one of the nominees for one of the awards she insisted I attend with her, and thusly I would have to wear a very Feminine Formal Evening gown (something I never had worn before), thusly SOGGF insisted that I present myself as a very feminine Fully Formally attired lady.
Thus she took me In Full ENFEMME mode to a local LADIES FORMAL EVENING GOWN shop. She i looked best wearing a Tight Blue Spandex Floor length embroidered lined lace pencil skirted evening gown. Thus this is what we got me. Then SOGGF said Tammie now that we have gotten you a gown we have to get you some nice formal strapy hi heels.
Little did I realize why the insisted I wear open toe strappy heels for the event.
Come 5am of the Saturday morning of the evening awards ceremony SOGGF wakes me up saying Tammie we have a full day today getting ready for the evening. I say, so early. She says we both have to get our hair colored and styled, plus since your gown is sleeveless you need to have your arms fully feminine with a full arm & armpit waxing b4 the hairstyle does ur hair. While we have to wait for our hair color to set. We both are having both pedicures and manicures. But you will also have to have a 3/8" acrylic nail tips application before your own manicure. Then both your finger and toes will be polished with blue polish to match your gown. Once we finish at the beauty salon we are going to a Sephora store for us both to have a makeup makeover for tonight. Especially you so u can be a very feminine lady, because my boss is going to be at the table we are assigned, thus the need for you t2 be most feminine.
That evening, I found out that my SOGGF was so insistence I be most feminine, she was not just a nominee, but the winner of the Employee of the Year for her employer and it was not only her immediate boss at the dinner table but also the LADY president of my SOGF'S employer who presented her the award.
I wore the nail tips & polish for next 6 weeks. Then SOGGF said Tammie it's time 4 you to have the nails tip refilled and repolished. I said why? SOGGF said Tammie just as any female who wears nail tips does by this time your own nails have gotten longer and there is a little space between the cuticles and tips that need to be filled in and polished. I had noticed this nails had grown so my nails were now about 3/4" long. So back to beauty salon both get hairstyled and another manicure and pedicure with ruby red polish to match the lipstick color I was now using.
For next 4 months this is what I wore. Until we had to go to a week long summer reunion of my family I am not out to thus I had to go semi endrab, thus I had to have nail tips removed, As SOGGF insisted I still have visibly feminine nails so she suggested I get Square 1/8" nails tips with a French manicure. Also at insistence of my SOGF I had to retain some of my feminine and wear my female bikini panties and 38AA bra instead of my 38DDD bras and forms ( she insisted I wear at, knee high female socks and or pantyhose and female mans Tailored blouses and slacks.
I was a little trepidatious about this arrangement for the week reunion but I agreed. It was most interesting wearing nothing but female attire with my family. Not even one negative comment. I even got several positive comments from a sister and GG 30ish cousin who both said how nice and brave it was to have a man with nicely French manicured nails.
Everything when well, the while saying goodbye to everyone the last one in line was my GG 30ish cousin, boy was I shocked when after she give me a Huge bear hug and a little kiss, she whispers, I know that your wearing atleast a bra with small breast enhancers and I wouldn't be surprised if you also are wearing a pair of female panties and pantyhose..... she said I felt your bra straps and enhancers when I hugged you just now...I bet you even are wearing a little makeup...True? I whispered yes, I prefer soft feminine underwear.
That was in mid 2016 the point in time I had transitioning to dressing fully ENFEMME L TIME (with assistance from SOGGF), except for times I had to revert male mode for what ever reason.
But now even in Drab mode I always atleast wear, female panties, a bra with small breasts enhancers, (thusly i feel like a 38AA women), pantyhose or female kneehi nylon socks. female walking shoes.
Occasionally, if i'm feeling a a little bit brave a think I can get away with it, I will wearing a little bit of makeup and female male man's Tailored blouses and slacks.
Can you please post a link? Thank you!!
The description from the website is below
- Works very good as a full nail due to the extra strength
- Used for alternative lifestyles
- Medium C curve, slight taper
- Fits very large nail bed
Terrific Tips Precision Fit Plus Size Natural Nail Tips can enhance the overall look of your hand whether using the nail as a full nail with no overlay of any kind, or when using the nail as tip for and type of overlay.
Just a minute before you posted link i ordered box from amazon! Will post a feedback after i will play with them! Thank you so much!
i like press ons but it is true that size 00 is hard to find and custom made ones price is astronomical 🙁
Can you tell me where you found the 00 nails, I'm having an awful time finding them.
Go on Amazon hun x