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Many of us are not unfamiliar with power tools but what power tools do you use as a girl? What I’m referring to is the kind of feminine products that enhance your beauty I have an epilator, an electric shaver, a dermal abrasion tool I love, an IPL personal laser, a wax machine for hands, and lastly an RF skin treatment device.
Many of these are the type of devices used by estheticians on their clients and safe to use with common sense. They help me feel more feminine. What are your favourite and most useful power tools?
I only have an IPL, which sadly doesn't have much impact on my now mostly-grey hair.
I am however, considering a belt sander to help smooth my complexion as I start to pile on more filler and grout to fill in the increasingly deep wrinkles that make me weep every time I do my makeup. 🥹🤭
Ultraviolet light to dry my fingernail and toenail polish.
Wireless electric nail cleaner, shaper, tool kit.
Tackle box for my make-up and jewelry.
Curling iron, that I just burn myself with...lol
I'd like to buy a pink (girls) rifle. Does that count?
Hi Lea, I know this sounds funny, but mine is an electric razor! Nothing says male than 5 ‘o’clock shadow!
I use a lot of power tools in my shop. However stephanie uses her own set of power tools, mainly in the kitchen. A powerful stand mixer, food processor, pressure cooker, rice cooker, slow cooker, immersion blender, blender, various graters ect. So no stranger to many feminine leaning power tools.
As I am growing my hair out I recently bought a blow dryer. They are handy for more than drying your hair such as warming up price sticker that won’t come off any other way or quickly drying my nails.
Of course my kitchen is full of power tools such ad an automatic coffee maker, a kettle, toaster, a blender, mixer, and a hand blender. Where would we be without our modern conveniences!