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Feminine power tools

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Many of us are not unfamiliar with power tools but what power tools do you use as a girl? What I’m referring to is the kind of feminine products that enhance your beauty  I have an epilator, an electric shaver, a dermal abrasion tool I love, an IPL personal laser, a wax machine for hands, and lastly an RF skin treatment device.

Many of these are the type of devices used by estheticians on their clients and safe to use with common sense. They help me feel more feminine. What are your favourite and most useful power tools?

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

@leainvancouver Home Hardware sells sets of power tools for women, such as drills with light pink highlights, etc. Oh, not those kinds of power tools. 😄

I am just a simple girl, so I have an epilator, which I am using less and less; and an IPL (it's not a laser), which I am using a lot.

That's it. Not even a hairdryer.

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 379

@harriette Thanks Harriette. How has the combination of epilator and IPL worked for you?

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@leainvancouver Both have been effective in their own ways, but ... TL:DR

One of the IPL sources recommended combining using an IPL with shaving and not any other method. I think the reason behind that is how an IPL works. It heats up a dark strand of hair enough to fry the hair root. An epilator yanks out the strand of hair with its sheath and doesn't do as much harm to what regrows the hair. Since shaving does nothing to the root, it keeps on regrowing and, therefore, is soon ready to be fried again.

So, I stopped using the epilator AND shaving because the IPL has been so effective. On my legs, at least, there is very little hair remaining. My chest was thick with fur and it disappeared quickly! I was surprised. I need to see and feel the hair, so that I can continue attacking what is left, so I am letting it grow for as long as possible, to focus my attack on those needy areas.

Another reason that I stopped shaving is because of the hundreds of ingrown hair around, behind, and above the knee especially! Those areas have been very, very resistant to the IPL. I am continuously scraping the sealed over hair follicles, to free up the weak strands of hair under the skin. They need to be freed so that the IPL can fry those roots, too, and I won't shave those areas again.

So, it is still a work in progress, but the IPL on its own has been very effective, even eliminating white hair. It may be because of how I flash. Home units are much weaker than commercial units, so I flash as many times as I like before moving the head. This probably lets the hair get much hotter than with just one flash, then move it. I just have to keep the unit cool enough that it doesn't overheat.

The epilator works, if I need to have clean legs immediately, but then the IPL is useless for a few weeks while the hair grows back. Once you get used to it, it doesn't hurt all that much on the legs and a few other areas. For some areas, it hurts like hell, which is another disincentive to use one. However, even the cheap brand name model I got has been reliable. Effectiveness on some hair can be a problem, though. It could be its length or how the hair lays. I am not sure yet.

Eliminating hair takes a while, so use your time wisely, if you don't apply a real laser or commercial IPL units.

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 379

@harriette That sounds like a success story Harriette. You’re right it does take a fair bit of time but it’s worth it. I’ve noticed much of my hair has disappeared since I started the process. Thanks for detailing your processes.

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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Posts: 14

@harriette Dear Hariette

I read your post with great interest, having bought a laser diode depilating unit (single diode, so small area). Now, question is, what to do about those facial hairs, dark or not dark, that stubbornly refuse to succumb to the rock music accompanied, seemingly endless sessions. Perhaps I should switch to Vangelis? Also tried several professional sessions with a big multi diode machine that simultaneously klicked and hummed, but alas, no result. All other hairs are sweetly going away and staying away, no issues. Do you Hariette have any ideas? Ah, also tried electrolysis and this created some skin changes but hairs intact, not exactly a swell day, that was.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

@alexandravinda Thanks for asking, Alexandra.

I have neither found nor used a home diode unit, so I would appreciate hearing about your experience with one. Which model did you get? Have you used it yet?

A small British Dermatology study came to this conclusion:

"Both DL and IPL treatments are highly effective, long lasting and safe. DL was found to be more effective than IPL treatment. DL treatment was more painful but less time‐consuming than IPL therapy."

If you want specific numbers search, then for that text and they get detailed in their short write-up. The study indicates that DL has more pain involved, but pain is related to the amount of energy released in a flash. I have two identical units and I can feel only one IPL sometimes, in some areas, therefore less energy is being released by the other units. Maybe there is some similar variation with DL units, too.

If DL hurts more than IPL units, then that would likely be why they are a bit more efficient.

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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Posts: 14

@harriette Dear Harriette. Thank you warmly for your time and thoughts. The unit I bought is the Tria,, Amazon and the likes. It has 5 power settings of which I can use 5 on any skin part except above lip, 3 max and eyebrows, 1 max, and that is a lot. More than 3 above lip is truly painful, so, I prepare: One paracetamol an hour before and gel painkiller 10 minutes before. Then, a 4 is possible above lip but 5, nooooooo way. At the professional session I had not prepared so then had to stop that specific area being treated. All in all, home LD is time consuming and yes, effective compared to IPL. Wish you a beautiful day lovely (mine is getting there).

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

@alexandravinda Ah, so you were able to get a real, home laser unit. Interesting. Yes, they put out a lot more energy than home IPLs and it is concentrated in a small area. Apparently, commercial IPLs do, too.

Are you also finding some body hair is resistant to DL?

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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Posts: 14

@harriette Dear Harriette. YES: Facial hair is a very tough issue for me, but I will now embark on a twice per day (best case) lazering mission, for a month. If the laser does not cut the cake, well, then something else will come up, perhaps a elctrolysis at a renowned clinic, and under sedation, I guess. Keep you updated! Wish you a sunny, sunny day, inside and out (well, here in the south of sweden we are not exactly spoiled with such days).

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

@alexandravinda Now, as to why some hair is more resistant to being eliminated, I don't know.

On my shins, there are only a few resistant hair left. Around my knees, especially in the 6-8" above the knees and a few areas on the back of my legs, a lot of them have been really stubborn. I can't say why yet, but there has to be something different about them.

The fur on my upper chest, from the breasts to my shoulders, were not stubborn at all. With so much there, I was astounded as to how quickly they disappeared. So, when you point out some stubborn areas, I fully understand. Our chin whiskers and groin hair are probably some of the most resistant that we have.

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Noble Member     Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States of America
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@harriette LOL, I too was thinking of the Pink Tool Box.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@leainvancouver An epilator and a shaver, that's it.

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I only have an IPL, which sadly doesn't have much impact on my now mostly-grey hair.

I am however, considering a belt sander to help smooth my complexion as I start to pile on more filler and grout to fill in the increasingly deep wrinkles that make me weep every time I do my makeup. 🥹🤭

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

Posted by: @caroline2k

I only have an IPL, which sadly doesn't have much impact on my now mostly-grey hair.

I must be really lucky. I had a lot of white hair, too, but most of them disappeared at about the same rate as my dark hair. I wonder what the difference is.


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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 379

@harriette It might be the epilator. Hair can only stand to be pulled out so many times before it stops growing back I hear. I’ve been using the epilator and IPL with good results even though I also have some gray hairs. It’s hard to tell what’s having more effect on my hair reduction.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

@leainvancouver I used an epilator only a few times, maybe 10x on my legs.

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 379

@caroline2k A belt sander might be too aggressive on your skin but the grout is a good idea for those deeper wrinkles! 😃

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 606

@leainvancouver Thanks for the words of support Lea, although I believe the diplomatic thing to say would have been "But Caroline, you look so fabulous daaaar-ling!"

Laugh Loud

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 379

@caroline2k Caroline, you’re right of course. I was referring to filling my own deep lines with caulking, not you dear. ❤️

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Estimable Member     Houston, Texas, United States of America
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Ultraviolet light to dry my fingernail and toenail polish.

Wireless electric nail cleaner, shaper, tool kit.

Tackle box for my make-up and jewelry.

Curling iron, that I just burn myself


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

Posted by: @cathryn

Ultraviolet light to dry my fingernail and toenail polish.

Tackle box for my make-up and jewelry.

Hmmm, I will have to look into the ultraviolet light, and I like the tackle box idea. The question is how big of a box to get. The sky's the limit.


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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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@cathryn  Wearing a tool belt when doing your makeup can be extremely handy!

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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@cathryn You must be using the gel nail polish. I like the idea that it’s more durable than regular nail polish but I cringe at the thought at having to use a dremal to get it off!

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Estimable Member     Houston, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 107

@leainvancouver I use it seems to make polish dry faster. Never had to use a dremel to get it off. I don’t think any of my polish is gel. I’ll have to look…

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Noble Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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I'd like to buy a pink (girls) rifle. Does that count?

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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@mary Hi Peta, Annie Oakley might agree with you about a pink rifle being a power tool!

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
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Hi Lea, I know this sounds funny, but mine is an electric razor!  Nothing says male than 5 ‘o’clock shadow!

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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@jennconn Indeed Jenn! I also use an electric razor to trim what’s left of my shadow.

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(@Anonymous 76954)
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 I use a lot of power tools in my shop.  However stephanie uses her own set of power tools, mainly in the kitchen.  A powerful stand mixer, food processor, pressure cooker, rice cooker, slow cooker, immersion blender, blender, various graters ect. So no stranger to many feminine leaning power tools.

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 379

@stephaniewyo I enjoyed reading your message Stephanie. After I wrote my post I thought of all the power tools I have in the kitchen, and there are more than I have in the bathroom! Thanks for reminding us of how many labour saving tools we have at our disposal.

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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As I am growing my hair out I recently bought a blow dryer. They are handy for more than drying your hair such as warming up price sticker that won’t come off any other way or quickly drying my nails. 

Of course my kitchen is full of power tools such ad an automatic coffee maker, a kettle, toaster, a blender, mixer, and a hand blender. Where would we be without our modern conveniences!


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