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Femme-only styles

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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
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I’m feeling like the answer is going to be a big yes, but are there certain styles or aesthetics you love as a woman but would never go for as a guy?

For me I really don’t like the whole concept of subculture, but when it comes to women’s fashion it is so easy and fun to dabble in a way that is less committed than for a guy. In that way I refer to styles like punk, goth, hippie etc... So much of what l love to wear as a girl can fall under those categories but as a boy I prefer to take it easier. I think this is something that draws us in. Black stockings and mesh, tight neon skirts, something along and flowing... a girl can mix up her look without being some kind of “thing.” I’ll pass and just be me, but in guy mode that’s a little boring!

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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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What I  don't understand and never have is why can a girl/woman/FEMALE WEAR a a man's BUSINESS SUIT Z

trousers/slacks and a nice shirt and FLATS Man"s Dress shoes (sneakers) like a man/boy/MALE whether it's in a non business situation or especially in a business environment and Nobody says anything about it


IF A BOY/man/MALE decides to Wear his hair long, and a SKIRTED Ladies Business SUIT and blouse either without a bra or with a bra sans breast forms, panties and pantyhose or tights  etc and Ladies style shoes either flats/wedge heels or ladies boots booties AND  immediately gets labeled as a CROSS DRESSER.   Especially if he were to wear a little bit of makeup

It seems to me that in the 1700s and 1800s men wore their hair long and men like George Washington would wear powdered wigs on a regular basis.

Even President Franklin Roosevelt wore pinafore dresses until he was old enough to wear "Breaches" type man", also it was not u,ntil the 1930s that PINK and Blue colors didn't get associated with Girls vs boys.

GOOGLE  "Franklin Roosevelt in a Dress"

He is wearing a very feminine frilly dress and long curly hair and tight like hose and what looks like black patent leather shoes and a very feminine hat




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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
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I would say the answer is generally no. As I do distinguish between different personas, my style is my style whether its menswear or womenswear.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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Absolutely correct.

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Reputable Member     California, United States of America
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This is an interesting topic. For me its a definite yes.

My male style is pretty nondescript. It wouldn't be that fun or interesting for me to try and go for the female equivalent of it. Especially since, as Tammie pointed out, that might very well just be... my regular everyday guy's clothes.

But as a girl? My style ranges from punk/goth (I can put together at least two totally different all black outfits) to a little dressy. My obsession with skater skirts continues, and I don't think I've run out of outfits or styles to try them with yet. As a guy, as I get older I am trying to class up my appearance at least a little. but I would never try even a little goth/punk in guy mode. And if there exists a male equivalent to the skater skirt... I wouldn't do that either.

There does seem to be a lot more meaning attached to clothes for guys though. If I were to wear a motorcycle jacket a a guy, and people found out I didn't actually ride a motorcycle, I feel like I'd immediately get labeled a poser. Girls seem to be able to wear motorcycle jackets without any expectation of actual motorcycle riding. At least, the last girl I saw wearing a motorcycle jacket and I asked what kind of bike she had just looked at me weird.

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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
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That's it exactly. It's not like I'm trying to prove anything with my appearance. I take a fair amount of risks as a guy but really don't want to be associated with anything that isn't literally printed on a shirt on account of my clothes.

As for skater skirts... Nothing better.

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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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Exactly what is a "skater skirt"???


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Eminent Member     Blackstone, Virginia, United States of America
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I do not have a "style" or subculture when it comes to my male outfits, however i alternate between a goth/emo and a barbie doll look. For my goth look, i have a silver wig that i use with a gray dress and black jacket with black and blue/purple makeup and leather heels. I have numerous dresses for my barbie look, but my favorite in a beige con dress and red/pink lipstick with zebra heels. However, i do enjoy mixing the styles together, which i guess would be considered a "scene" style (i am not very savvy when it comes to subcultures.)

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As a guy I have dressed in the rock/alternative, grunge, punk, goth styles. Of course, unfortunately that was when I was younger. Now it is more subdued, jeans and t-shirt, casual shirt and occasionally more  alternative additions. As a girl I love to enjoy all styles but keep a desire for Punk, goth, lots of lace and lots of black. Of course, throw on a pair of jeans and a casual jacket now you are ready to hit the town on a night out. One of the greatest things about being able to enjoy feminine fashion is that you can freely mix styles. A couple of years ago latex was all the rage on the catwalks. Out come the old latex pants, paired with a woolen stylish sweater and some cute heels and you will be the most stylish and confident girl in the place. Remember the girls you used to see wearing a t-shirt for an alternative look now throwing a plain t-shirt under a summer dress is great look for fall.

I guess I could experiment more with fashion as a guy but I don't feel you will find the same level of variety as you do in ladies fashion. It is just so tremendously freeing being able to reach out and enjoy a far deeper range of choice. There is just something so amazing when following a great fashion idea and how it will work with something special in your closet that before my journey I would not understand.

There is certainly more freedom as a girl in society, more choice in manufactures, and due to the uncertainty of the business thankfully lower costs than them  male choice.

How trying on a dress with a favorite necklace inspires, is my personal reason I would say that I view clothes and fashion in a completely different way. It is certainly not equal and I am not sure it can ever be but I am very happy to be on the side that gets the cutest clothes!


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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

yes! That is exactly what I’m talking about! Did similar dabbling in subculture looks when younger but I can’t stand all the strings.  Femme I’ll be all over the pl r for as lo by as I live.

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Estimable Member     cleveland, Ohio, United States of America
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I try look for women s clothes that  all the  time makes me feel like some what out of the closet


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