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Hi all. I'm as giddy as a skool gurl. Been wanting to get them done forever. Had to trick HIM to get it done though. A little clothes shopping got HIM in the right frame of mind. Lol. All my best. Mikayla
Good for you! I keep thinking about this but have never had the intestinal fortitude to go for it. All I know is it's important to keep everything very clean until the piercings heal, and then wear earrings regularly if you don't want the holes to close up.
Millie, wearing her clip ons and wishing...
I have had mine pierced for thirty years, it is only a slight nip when the stud goes through, and you just have to turn it everyday and wipe with a alco wipe or similar. I have had mine out for a few years but have put them back in lately without re piercing. As i have had them for years no-one will question me on them being back in.
That really surprised me when they put them in. Was expecting some kind of pain but I have had worse bug bites. Lol. Couldn't do it in the 70s and by the time it was acceptable my life was in a different place. So happy I got it done. Now gotta hide them from my buddies,that are coming up for a few days. Aaaaa lol
Hi again Mikayla. I tried and tried to get tattoo parlors, beauty salons and hairdressers to do me. Oh we don't do that anymore. I ordered a gun and stud kit from Amazon and going to do it myself! Was a medic in War so know I can do it. For you....keep rotating the studs and bath the spots with alcohol/disinfectant....not a pint please! If you don't the skin will adhere to the studs and you will discover a whole new level of pain! Keep them clean with the alcohol cause skin cells, dust, debris will lodge in their and cause infection. That info has just cost you a pint and a pie!
Dame Veronica
I was looking at that but by the time I added it up just as easy to get it done. Was $45 plus tax of course. No doubt I would screw it up on top of that . Lol. We'll work on that pint and pie someday . Mikayla
Even though I been Dressing Fully enfem 24_7 4 about 3.5 years now SOGGF, (who Doesn't have ears pierced due to possible infection problems) she doesn't want me to but prefers I wear similar Clip-on Ers ring3 what see has mattered of fact She just gave me a very nice girly pair of gold and silver triple helix designed ERs. Very nice but I'm giving them to u for u 2 wear tonite, they are rather heavy [ in terms of Earrings ),try them on but let's see if u can wear them fo atleast 12 hour without taking them off after wearing them several hours a day
Wish I had my ears pierced but there are a few Family Days get 2gether a year every 4 months or so, those days my SOGGF allows me NOT to Dress fully enfem but I still have to wear enfem bra and panties and pho6 with out.
So thusly as still closeted with respect to my very conservative parents and aunts/ ,u
I got my left ear pierced in the 70's (which ear you pierced meant something different back then). By the mid 80's had 3 piercings on the left ear. By the 90's, 10 in the left ear, sometime in the 2000's lost one in left ear (infection) and I finally had my right ear pierced once, just a few years ago had 2 more in my right ear. Total now is 9 left and 3 right. I remove the lower ones each side for long dangly shoulder dusters for dress up. I always worked in blue collar trades, assembly lines, machine shops, plastic mold shops and as a machine mechanic. I took some heat from the boys at every new shop I went to, but when they found out I was a good worker it didn't matter how my ears looked. Got tattooed in the 70's too, before it was popular so I wore long sleeves for job interviews and my first few weeks on the job. My how things have changed!
Hi Jamie. Ive wanted to get them done most of my life but as you said, back in the day it wasn't a good plan. Super happy I got it done now. Maybe you can answer this. How long do I have to keep cleaning them. Been doing it several times a day and no redness or pain so far. I know I have to keep them in for 6 weeks. Thanks. Mikayla
New piercings several times a day for 6 weeks (you can't overdo cleaning new piercings and be sure to spin them around), after they heal I clean mine at least once a month. I take them all out and soak them in rubbing alcohol. While they are soaking I shave the hair forest that grows between them. I use a plastic tooth pick (the kind with a point on one end and floss on the other) and dip the point end in the rubbing alcohol to clean the hole. You will be surprised what comes out. I wipe the front and back of my ear because the toothpick will push stuff out the back too. I hope I didn't gross you out but it's a good idea to keep the holes clean.
Thanks for the information. Didn't think I would have to do it for that long. Been using peroxide a few times a day. Had them pierced last Wednesday and was very surprised that it didn't hurt at all. I've had worse bug bites. Lol . Thanks again for all the info and Future maintenance. Mikayla
It's almost no pain at all if done properly. More like a tiny prickle of static electricity than a mosquito bite. It's not at all like getting an injection. And WAY less painful than wearing clip-ons!