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My lovely supportive S.O.has bought me five handbags in the last two years.I really love them all.The problem is I am a closeted x-dresser who has yet or probably never will go out.I do make use of them as much as I can.I go from one room to the other.Often take them into the kitchen when we have a morning coffee.I often fantasise about what it would be like to have on on my person if I did go out.
Why not get brave and got out fully ENFEMME with your SO ?
IT sounds like she is very supportive of your Xding if she buys u 5 cute hand bags.
Maybe u could have a talk (when she is in a good mood) with her saying you would like to making use one of the cute handbag ,by going out somewhere in public with her, but only after she helps you dressup fully ENFEMME, including makeup and style ur hair female if it's moderately long if not, have her get u a wig if ur hair is short and she doesn't have a wig 4 u to borrow.
I'd bet she would say "YES" & really enjoy it to see you making use of one of her cute gift hand bags in PUBLIC, not just around house.
I also was a closeted XDRESSER since high school. Early childhood I was in public fully ENFEMME with my mom and a nextdoor neighbor girl that I walked to & home From school.
Anyhow one day my SOGGF outted me by accident, boy was she PISSED, that afternoon she found me dressed up ENFEMME. Thinking "forcing me" to dress up 24/7 for 3 weeks thru Halloween would be fitting PUNISHMENT 4. That evening had to go allway downtown via Subway trip to her favorite restaurant near her work.
Come day after Halloween we both were really enjoying me being dressed fully feminine.
Since then been dressing fully ENFEMME most of the time except for times I get together with my family (who don't I current xdress most of the time) for family events.
Just use them when you go out anywhere, dressed anyway. I do not like carrying things in my pockets, so purses are fabulous for that.
Just make sure they match your outfit!
Love and Hugs!
how nice to have a choice of handbags to go with your outfits. I have only one which I use when I go out.....
I hope you find the courage to go out
[postquote quote=206529][/postquote]
Thsnk you Alicen.I hope I will one day.
If you do decide to get out of the house, you may find that none of your handbags match the outfit you intend wearing, or are simply the wrong size for the occasion. What to do? Why buy another handbag of course.
Or is that just me? 🙂
I hope you get to use your handbags out and about someday Roberta!
If none of the handbags match the outfit! ur SOGGF picks out for u to wear for ur first outing , maybe she has a cute handbag to lend u for the the outing.
or vice versus
Then you have a REASON for another outing in public...SHOPPING for a nice outfit and maybe she would surprise u helping you pick out an outfit or two that would be complementary to one or more of ur cute hand bags.
If I don't know if you have any bras and panties of your own or if you have any breast forms or not
But I can highly recommend SOMA INTIMATES products and their friendliness to LGBT /XDERs.. like us.
My SOGGF a couple days after she OUTTED, took me to the SOMA INTIMATES store she shops I (and now so do I) to be professionally fitted for my own Bras and panties b4 taking me shopping at several Stores to get me my own outfits, including two medium size purses.
Matter of fact in about a month nearer to my October Birthday living as Tammie, my SOGGF has told me that we are going on an weekend trip to a Osgoode Marley outlet store about 150 miles away, having recently received a sales flier from them about a sale on their leather Crossbody bags.