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Comfort, fashion or keeping your feet dry are reasons why shoes were invented.
There are 21 reasons why women should wear high heels (honest, google it) all suggested by menfolk wearing comfy shoes!
In a poll of cross dressers stilettos would win hands down but do any keep a pair of comfy old flats for driving and watching the TV?
I began wearing pantyhose with a shirt when I was 4. Then I noticed a pair of my mother's pumps and slipped them on. Even though the pantyhose and pumps were way too large, I still enjoyed wearing them and showing off my pretty lady legs.
I outgrew the pumps by 11 and the pantyhose by 13. I began buying my own pantyhose and wanted my own pumps too but they were hard to hide and getting caught by my dad would not have been good.
At 17 I bought some platform wedges and hid them in the trunk of my car. At 18 I got my own place and began to build my fem wardrobe. I was so excited when I got my first pair of super sexy stiletto heels. They were challenging to walk in at first, but once I broke them in and got used to them I wore them all the time with pantyhose and shorts shorts, skirts, dresses or lingerie.
Now it's always pantyhose with pumps or platform wedges and something short. That's what I feel my best in and is what is most comfortable and natural.
Sadly i cannot wear heels 👠. i have a neuromuscular disorder that requires a rigid brace on my remaining leg and foot (my right leg was amputated below the knee but my prosthetic actually adjusts for heels) so heels are a nonstarter. i was also reminded by some genetic girls who have the same disorder that heels are definitely not recommended because we also have balance issues.
Sadly i cannot wear heels 👠. i have a neuromuscular disorder that requires a rigid brace on my remaining leg and foot (my right leg was amputated below the knee but my prosthetic actually adjusts for heels) so heels are a nonstarter. i was also reminded by some genetic girls who have the same disorder that heels are definitely not recommended because we also have balance issues.
I stick with comfy old flats - comfort first for me 🙂
Flats for me. At 5'10" I could do without the extra height, and comfort is always my first choice. I do have some heels and given a chance to dress up they will be worn. I'm sure that slinky black dress needs to have an outing one day...
Always some kind of heel. I have over 30 pairs in 3-6in. I do have some wedges but I call them cheaters. Heels is what really got me into cding.
I voted for heels on special occasions.I love a high heel but I had painful foot problems about ten years ago after wearing high heels.When I do wear heels they are never more than two or three inches.I own fourteen pairs of ladies footwear.Some are flats,others are Mary Janes with a small heel.Also have ballet flats.
Well it used to be always heels until I took to regularly walking. Trainers and boots are more practical, plus save wear on the heels!
I find 3" heels so comfortable, I literally have worn them all day on occasions!
Love Laura
I always wear heels whenever I have an opportunity for a several reasons.
- I have always dreamed of walking in heels ever since I was a child.
- I finally bought my first pair
- I am learning how to walk in them
- I am having a blast practicing
I am a bit of a Sasquatch so finding shoes that fit is an issue. It seems like that the larger sizes are more for the bedroom than actually wearing out.
When I dress it's always heels. I only own 2 pairs one being black and one being more of a plaid design. They cover most types of dressing I will ever do. I would get another style of footwear but the Pay-less shoes where I was able to find decently priced size 12 heels is no longer in business.