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Hi Ladies,
I have been thinking of changing my hair style from the short, parted on the side manly look to something longer and more feminine. I am curious what I should ask for when I visit my stylist again. She doesn't know about my femme side.
TIA for your suggestions.
As I got back into CD'ing a couple of years ago I decided to grow out my hair. I went for a simple style, parted on one side in man mode and brushed back slightly - in femme mode parted more towards the middle and brushed to fall more by my neck. The cut of my hair is somewhat like a bob style.
I started growing my hair out about a year and a half ago. I have always had short hair and wanted to see how long hair would look on me. I'm loving it and plan on keeping it, I have even started to dye it a light aburn color. I no longer have to wear a wig and can style it in many different ways.
Back in the 70s where long hair was the norm I did enjoy mine but as life went on I was forced to cut it for employment reasons. Now 40 plus years later, retired and after discovering my love for feminine clothing many changes have been occurring. That included letting my hair grow again. Now two years later I have reached and possibly surpassed the length I enjoyed having back when . Now 6 inches down my back and still going and really shows quite well. Full body, natural curls and definitely a feminine look. It certainly stirring looks from family and friends, especially my 3 daughters. With other changes as full body shaving, getting rid of my moustache to which I've had since basically forever and others . But the hair that's what drawing the most attention. My wife is just amazed in me doing all these physical changes. Wait till I go this fall and follow a dream I've always wanted, piercing my ears. By years end and then I'll wait for the bombardment of questions I know I'm going to get from all my daughters because they're already suspecting somethings up. The hair started it and soon it will become the main factor on what is truly going on. I'm afraid the time of Fielding questions disclosing my dressing could soon be . My daughters are very good at figuring out even the best of deceptions and I'm not very good of holding a secret. So beware of the hair as it could open up many unusual questions. I've been twice to a hair stylist but only for trimming and thining and such. My wife goes there to and I believe she in little ways have mentioned my little secret to her. When she came back last time she commented that my stylist is waiting to hear from me and looking forward to working on new things to do. Her words so I'm wondering did she tell or am I just spooky. I'll know soon lol!! I do love my hair and can't wait to see how far I will let it go. .
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Robin, I had to have short hair for my job. I haven't had a haircut since I retired over 2.5 years ago. My hair reaches down to my bra strap now and I love it. And I'm glad I don't have to bother with wigs anymore. I'm actually quite lucky to be 65 and have a head full of thick hair (albeit starting to turn gray). Numerous women have commented about my hair, wishing they had hair like mine. Having long hair really does help in passing. I'm mistaken for female at the grocery store, at restaurants, etc. much to my wife's displeasure. She'd like it if I cut my hair as it is longer than hers now. I'm thinking about going to a stylist to trim the ends a bit. But not sure how feminine I should go with it. My wife knows I'm a CD but prefers that I don't overdo it in public.
Check out the internet - lots of photos of different hair styles - maybe start with an androgynous style? (though many of these are short - type into your search engine "androgynous long hair styles" if you are looking for longer hair as I am). All the Best, Hugs, Krista.
Hi Stephanie,
I totally get where you are coming from. It seems like the more girly things I do, the more I want to do. I already wear my nails longer than a man should and keep them shaped rather feminine and keep my smooth legs on display. Growing out my hair and piercing my ears are on my list.
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My SOGGF when I first met her had just below shoulder length hair. Then in 2012 she almost totally lost her hair due to chemotherapy treatment for her breast CANCER. When it came back in 2014 she decided to keep it at a short Pageboy length.
Then in early October2015 when she Outted me she decided as my hair was just mid ear length and that for Halloween we would dress as twins she had her haircut into a female pixie just as she had her stylist do mine . Since then she never let hair grow longer said she prefers not having to shampoo and hot iron curl her hair every other day, especially when she was having to do my makeup every morning b4 she left 4 work.
Two years ago she retired. At that time I was going my own makeup every morning but my hair was still as a female pixie.
One morning we got into a disagreement about why she didn't let her hair grow longer now she was not having to go to work nor do my makeup. She said to much work every day having to brush and hot iron curl her hair. I said I think you look more attractive with long shoulder length hair like when we first met. NEXT THING SHE SAYS IF YOU THINK THAT THEN I THINK YOU SHOULD ALSO LET UR HAIR GROW EQUALLY LONG.
SO SINCE THEN MY HAIR HAS GONE FROM A SHORT PIXIE CUT TO A SHORT PAGEBOY to be long enough to curl with a hot Curling iron. My hair is about 3/4" above shoulder length. My hairstylist at my last appointment 5 weeks ago said now that your hair is longer by the time of your next appointment maybe your hair chould have a permanent with dark blond streaks.
Yesterday afternoon SOGGF said Tammie now that your hair is longer I think you look very much more feminine plus more attractive.
My current profile picture was taken just after my last hairstylist appointment 5 weeks ago.