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I have fairly long hair. It's shoulder length. I have it cut and styled in a female style, but I can tie it back for male mode.
My hair is fine so I cannot do much with it. It's length means any shaping, curling etc will soon fall out. I was hoping to have it permed, but it's so fine the hairdresser thinks it will ruin my hair.
I've been using dedicated conditioners for a year, only washing my hair every three days, doing all sorts of things to try and get the hair thicker, alas to not avail.
My hairdresser has suggested that I have it cut shorter. This will take the weight off it and allow any style to have a better chance. It might also encourage it to grow stronger.
Here's the thing. If I have it cut shorter, it won't need able to tie it's back for male mode. This means that I'll have "female hair" all of the time, not just when I'm in Cerys mode.
I'm all for this, but in not sure what style to have. It needs to be something that I can maintain myself. I'm not very good with hair appliances. I struggle with a brush and a hairdryer 🙂
Any suggestions as to the kind of cut I should go for? I'm not allowed wigs, so the easy option is not an option. What sort of female hairstyle would suit a 57 year old man ?
Is you hair thick enough to shape it into a Beatles' style mop-top?