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Hooked on shoes

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Reputable Member     orillia, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

I went shopping for shoes with my wife and fell in love with all the different styles. Women have so much to choose from. When she asked me to pick I couldn't choose just one pair so we bought three pairs. I was so excited and grinning ear to ear. She started to laugh and said " I told you about women and shoes and I can see you are hooked". Have any of you ladies fallen under this urge. I can imagine eventually owning 50-60-70 or more different styles. I am so excited thinking about our next shoe shopping trip...

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Noble Member     New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America
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I love shoes too, I limit buying a ton of  different shoes but buying just a few high-end pairs. The rush of putting on a designer pair of shoes is amazing....

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Reputable Member     orillia, Ontario, Canada
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[postquote quote=223457][/postquote]


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I don't have a shoe fetish... but it may be kind of close! Ha ha! At the highest I have owned over 100 pairs... currently maybe some 60 pairs (going into 70). But like Samantha said, I'd rather buy some good quality (maybe not designer, but good brands at least). Still can't resist a good sale on a cute pair...

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Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
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GiGi ,

I love shoes too especially any heel or wedge.

I buy a lot off Poshmark or goodwill.

I have shoes everywhere

I wish I could wear only ladies shoes full time.

S/O wouldn't go for that.



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I love shoes as well but i like thé other gals go for quality. Mine are custom fitted so they are well worth thé investment. The funny thing is I know actual women that are big and beautiful that have larger feet that get depressed because the styles that normal size 5-8.5 arent available past size 10. I know women that are 11 and 12 with not so wide feet that would look Great in designer top Brand pumps but to their dismay cant get. What a bummer

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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At 17 I decided I wanted to get some heels to wear with my pantyhose and short shorts. I loved how platform wedges looked and had to have a pair of them. I went to a shoe store in my short shorts and pantyhose. I wanted to wear the attire I was going to wear the shoes with to see how they would look. I was so excited about getting these shoes I wasn't even nervous about the way I was dressed.

I found a pair I really liked and tried them on. Didn't fit. Thats when I realized women's sizes are not the same as men's. Women's are two sizes larger. I found the same shoes in the right size and put them on. OMG. I loved them. So fun to walk in and they made my legs look so amazing. I never wanted to take them off. But wait. I noticed other shoes in the same size I really liked to. I had to try them on and decide which ones I likes the best. I loved all of them equally.  I had to have them all. I ended up buying 6 pairs and no doubt would have bought more but that was everything in my size.

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Active Member     Florida, United States of America
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Im on shoe hunt at least 80% of my free time unfortunately for me shoes in my size cost small fortune, and designer brands in my size is not available at all 🙁


I'm compiling extensive list of online shops and manufacturers who sell large size heels, so anyone who is interested, please feel free to pm me, will be delighted to share the knowledge and excitement.

Must agree tho, id rather have few pairs that is “comfortable” and fit perfect than hundreds that impossible to wear and will destroy my feet.


i have about dozen pairs, but all of them special!

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Reputable Member     orillia, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

[postquote quote=223746][/postquote]
Thank you Misty. I like the shoes you are wearing in your public pics

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You are so right GiGi!  The styles, colors, heel heights are amazing.  I just bought 3 new pair and am already shopping for more.  I do now understand how ggirls can have so many shoes 👠.

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Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
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I'm lucky to have a size 7.5 in women's shoes so I have over 30 pairs of heels and even other women's shoes. Recently bought ankle boots and had to get a size 8.

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Eminent Member     British Columbia, Canada
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I used to not care about shoes and only had a few pairs of flats because I found heels uncomfortable. Now I have 37 pairs of shoes in various styles and colours to match my outfits. Just counted because Inwas curious. Bought a pair of 3" wedges and got used to them. Then block heels and now I can walk in 4" spikes all day long, but 5 and 6" are still a little hard on my feet and although I have no problem walking in them if I spend too much time in them my feet are sore the next day.

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Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
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You gurls that are a size 7 to a size 9 are so lucky.

If I was a 8 or 9 I would probably have double the amount of shoes. LOL

Is there anyway to string your feet



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I'm ok with the number of pairs I have... until I start shoe shopping!

I just want every other pair I see - shoes are so amazing!

Love Laura

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Eminent Member     Linwood, New Jersey, United States of America
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Yep that is actually what got me into crossdressing the most.  I have everything from thigh high/over the knee boots, to open toed heels and sandals and everything in between.

Can't wait for the colder temps so I can wear my thigh/over the knee boots again.

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