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<p style="text-align: left;">Hi all ladies, I've one question if you girls can answer, please be serious, i just want to ask that whenever i wear my female clothes a small part of my male organ which is hanging down shows people that I'm male and i feel very Shane for that whenever the happens. Can anybody help me with these issue.</p>
Hi Shreya, hmm this can be an issue for many of us! there is Tucking which as far as i know can be difficult and requires practice, but do correct me on this as i have never done this. My answer lies with tummy control briefs. These are quite tight fitting as they are designed to hold everything in, simply tuck your ermmmm male 'thingy' between your legs and pull the briefs up. Its not the perfect answer, admittedly, but i find it helps for me, plus you can get some very fancy, pretty briefs too, not just plain boring ones.
Fiona-Ann xxxx
There are various choices, depending on how much you need to hide. There exists a huge assortment of gaff panties for this purpose, good, bad, cheap and costly - and cost does not necessarily match effectiveness. I have managed fairly well, just using an incontinence pad in my panties to produce a smooth effect. And some have used (Post Office) package tape with enough success to enable wearing a bikini bathing suit.
Ok, this is how tucking is done and forgive me on how I describe this. The pennies is the problem regardless of it's size. It's just a matter of tucking it down between the legs. It's the testicles that are the problem. As you should know, your testicles are up inside your body before puberty in a pocket ( don't know what it is actual called) on either of the of the pennies. Once you reach puberty, the testicles decend. Those pockets that the testicles were inside before puberty are still there regardless of your age. So it just a matter of pushing your testicles carefully back up into those pockets and folding the pennies down between the legs. You then use something (like a gaff) to hold it all in place.
Hi.. Edie ,
I'm 23 young crossdressers
As I've never done tucking I've zero knowledge about it and the thing you mentioned gaff i didn't understood anything please if you explain in detail
Hi fiona,
I've tried tucking it in tight panty but i feel lots of pain when something is happening to it and I'm unable to bring it back in normal position in public at that time I'm unable to bear that pain so I'm searching for alternative
Try what I do as I don't like to tuck using tape of any kind nor do I like "gaffs"
I use ALWAYS winged feminine Sanitary pads in the MAXI length size
Never had a problem I usually wear SOMA INTIMATES bikini or hicut retro briefs or hipster style panties.
I gently push "nuts " upwards and "rod" backwards just b4 putting panties in final position.
Occasionally I use the OVERNIGHT length, boy was I glad the 2nd time my SOGGF insisted I had to wear a FEMALE XLONG OVERNIGHT Sanitary napkin. It happened that she insisted that I use the overnight length size and take a spare one in my evening purse ( as would any GG LADY) that evening getting dressed FULLY ENFEMME in a Very tight spandex formal evening gown with a tight no slit pencil skirt as we were going to a FORMAL ATTIRE required fund raising DINNER followed by a 3hr Symphony Concert. It was my 2nd time wearing The very feminine spandex formal evening gown.
ANYHOW, just as intermission began I had need to use ladies room, but as I had 2 waitin line with my SOGGF to use the ladies room 4 about 10mins of the 30min break, I had to pee a little bit, just as I was getting into ladies room stall but b4 I could unzip the back zippered gown. Luckily it was a large stall and my SOGGF was just going in nextdoor stall, so I asked her quietly for help, with the zipper. Enough said. If I hadn't had the xtra long overnight pad, I would have had a disaster.
So now I always wear aleast an ALWAYS MAXI pad. Never knowing when I might need a restroom in a hurry, especially in my area that regularly has traffic delays even in non rush hour.
So to me a FEMALE SANITARY NAPKIN solves 2 problems.
CHEAP INSURANCE if u get my drift. And much easier than a TUCK via surgical tape.
Hi Shreya,
I agree with Fiona,
I just came across some tummy control briefs that hide very well without tucking.
If they are a size smaller then you normally wear it seams to help.
Also A friend of mine uses the gaffs on amazon that have a kind of vagina area or forgive me camel toe area.
She uses them untucked she says.
Hi patty ,
Thanks i saw gaffs on amazon right now and i think yes it can work. Thank you so much for your advice
Control briefs and an incontinence pad or try a gaff they can hide anything and are great once you get used to them. The old tuck it up and under can still not be very useful but bits to tend to show without something keeping the junk in the panty
Hi marilyn,
I've searched for gaffs on internet though never used i think it can work. I've also heared about some chastity device do you think it can help?
Gaffs work with tight or control panties - I got one with a strikingly realistic impression of the female organ, which is perfect under jeans, leggings or bodycon dresses.
I also got some butt/hip enhancer panties for the same dressing choices.
I don't do overt, but when you walk, some aspects of the shape can be obvious, so it's comforting to have as many touches of realism as possible.
Love Laura
sorry Shreya,
I just saw your post your welcome I hope that helps.
Wear pantyhose, panties or both and a longer dress or skirt.