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Itchy wigs

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I can wear a wig for some time but one or two of them can be a bit itchy. Now I actually shave my head so there is no hair to protect me from the wig base itself, but then I don't have to wear a wig cap to cover my own hair either, so swings and roundabouts. Now most of you will not actually shave your heads but there must be many out there who have rather bald spots that might itch when in contact with a wig so my question is...

...anyone tried something like barrier cream to help prevent irritation to the skin from wearing a wig?

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I'm lucky in that I (currently) have a full head of fast growing, luxuriant hair.

*Ellie flicks her hair as though she's in an upmarket shampoo ad, and is disappointed to find that no-one is actually filming*

At the moment I'm growing it to shoulder length and having it cut so that it can be styled in boy mode at work and girl mode for the rest of the time.

However it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that as I get to a more advanced age my follicles will begin to fail me.

I'm sitting with notebook poised; based on the answers to your question, I may start to stock pile barrier cream so that I can future proof my whole hair situation.

Ellie x

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 I actually have no idea what my hair would look like if I let it grow as I've shaved my head for at least the last twenty five years. When it's grown a little bit and I've used a beard trimmer to cut it short enough to shave again the hair that comes off is black, contrast that to before I shaved my beard off [for cross-dressing purposes] when it was grey, bordering on white. One might presume that keeping the hair shorn also stops it going grey but since you can't see it anyway, it hardly matters.

On the one hand, I'd love to grow my hair, style it and forget wigs altogether, but on the other, wearing wigs gives me the option to change my entire style, shape, length and colour any time I like. Of course, this always assumes that there are no bald patches at all on my head and I think would be rather optimistic. 

(@Anonymous 94214)
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@rebeccabaxter I'm about 95% bald and never had an itch.  My wigs are quite inexpensive so not real hair (avoid walking past a heat lamp Laugh Loud   ).  The only issue I have is they tend to walk around my head after some time and need to be readjusted occasionally.

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Baroness Annual
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I would suggest staying with wig caps to keep a barrier between your skin and the wig. You might also try stepping up to premium quality wigs which are usually made with better quality materials than the less expensive brands.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@d44 I have quite a few wigs and strangely it is the most expensive one that is the most irritating. My favourite wig, the one you see in my profile picture, cost only £5 ($6) and doesn't itch at all; no, I can't explain it. I have to admit though, that the quality of hair on the most expensive wig is orders of magnitude better quality than the cheapest.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Not sure as to the cause.

It can be caused by the heat generated like prickly heat. I have worn wigs of all types and find those with lace fronts and caps probably the best.

It's like wearing a hat I suppose, they can get a bit hot sometimes but the wefting helps ventilation.Some wigs are quite thick which may also be an issue as it will retain heat.

I myself haven't noticed this and wonder whether it is an individual thing.

I always clean my wigs regularly as per instructions. 

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Noble Member     Alberta, Canada
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I barely have much hair left thanks to old age; i do wear a wig cap whenever I wear a wig.  The odd time it may itch but I don't experience intense itch of any sort.

I suspect having bare skin touching the wig itself may cause irritation.

Like others mentioned, the wig cap may help.  

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Now I have no experience of wig caps but the thing that would concern me most was slippage. If my wig slips when in direct contact with my skin, I will feel it and be quickly able to do something about it, but if I'm wearing a wig cap and it stays firm but the wig slips on top of it, I won't feel it; which could cause a bit of an embarrassing moment.

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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I'd likely second a nylon wig cap as a barrier. Also, I would think that, given its texture, it's provide a 'grippier' surface that the wig is less apt to slide/slip on. YMMV 🤔 

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I decided to try wig a wig cap, although I no longer get an itchy scalp -- must have got used to it -- but decided to try a wig cap anyway. I don't think I'll be doing that anymore as I found a bit of a problem in that if my wig moves, I can't feel it, I can only feel the wig cap. Fortunately I found out, while still in the house, that when I comb the hair, the wig can move but I'm no longer aware of it. I can see it is quite possible that I could actually have the wig move noticeably [to other people] while I was blissfully unaware. 

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(@Anonymous 94214)
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I love wig caps, they do help cover any hair from creeping out from under your wig. I also love how I look in them with full makeup without the wig- reminds me of those incredibly glamorous 1950s and 1960s “female impersonators” photos I used to see in magazines!


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