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Does anyone have any advice on keeping garters attached to hoisery? Mine keep randomly slipping the knob loose from the wire on the hose. I've thought about slightly squeezing the wire closed, but don't want to overdo it.
I've never figured that one out either, I wear pantyhose or tights when going out, so they don't fall down and embarrass me.
Hi Regina As many of the garters have a plastic help clip to hold hose up and they get a bit loose with age you can buy new ones at like a fabric place they have all kinds to help out hope this works ..
Hi Lacy, I don't wear garters often but did learn a few tips in costuming that I use. I only use metal garters because the plastic ones flex and break. Also the rubber button must be firm, tight and fresh or it will slip out (you can buy new ones in a quality fabric store). The elastic usually needs to be more industrial (otherwise replace it) because many times it's cute but has no strength. The adjusts must be solid or heavy duty to withstand the flexing of the leg (no slipping allowed but if you're desperate you can sew it in place), otherwise you have a stocking slip. Most garter belts that I see are cute but not real practical for daily use and need to be reworked for stage use. If you have a chance to see a vintage garment that women wore in the 50's you will see most of the things that I talked about since women during that time would not stand for dropping their stockings during their day. I hope that is of some help. Marg
Hi Regina,
I’ll use an open bottom girdle to attach the stockings to. As Marge and Stephanie shared the girdle needs metal clips to hold your stockings with the tabs.
Besides avoiding plastic tabs, the metal ones come in two types, too.
The round wire-looking ones may let the stocking slip, but they don't have sharp edges, which then helps to protect the nylon material.
The flat stamped ones do have right-angle edges which have less slippage, but then they have a greater chance of cutting the stocking top material.
If you adjust the garter to be too tight, you will add to these problems.
Usually the rubber part falls off the clip or crack/shrink with age. You can buy replacements on Amazon. Just search for garter strap clasps.
I typically wear the four strap style of belt. I start with the hose already on first. When putting on the garter belt I will extend the straps to the maximum length to make them easier to put on. One on, I'll shorten the front straps to a comfortable length but leave the rear straps a bit longer so nothing becomes unclasped when I sit down and cross my legs. The rear straps need a little more length, especially if your booty is a bit curvy. 😉
You may also look into making sure your hose is the correct size and have put it on correctly. I'll have it wadded up a bit and put my hand in it with my fingers to the 'toe' section and then insert my foot so my toes reach my fingers in the 'toe' section of the stocking. I'll use my hand to guide the stocking up my leg, usually pulling my hand out completely around my knee. Stockings usually stretch so make sure to give them a pull to make them snug. Some of them have rubber on the inside to help hold them up. The clasps won't work well on them so you have to clasp to the fabric around them.
My thighs are slightly thick so I opt for the plus size stockings. Do a search on amazon and you'll find them.
Hope this helps!
I bought, as I'm sure we all did, a nice garter (suspender in the UK) belt. Looks good but not nearly as effective as an open bottom girdle at holding up stockings. I soon bought one and now have two (one black, one white) both have metal clips and work fine. Oh, both also have six straps, I find these more comfortable and effective.
Like Harriette, I also bought a few pairs of cotton gloves as my hands can get a little rough. Highly recommend them, especially if you wear real, non-stretch nylons.
Allie x
The metal clasp type with 6 straps are brilliant.
If you use the plastic clip type, have the rear strap slightly longer than the front one.
The other thing that will help is make sure your legs are smooth before you put very fine stockings on, they will go up easier.
Anna xx
Check out Rago, and What Katie Did both have metal clips which are larger than cheap plastic ones.
Fold your stocking top over so there is thicker material to fill up the clip tighter.
Look up the Oh Yeah brand garter belt on Amazon. It has 6 straps and an alligator clip design that stays put
In more than 40 years of dressing, more often than not in stockings held up by suspenders, I think I have experienced a detachment only twice. Both times it was due to my failing to connect the suspender correctly, fixing it at an angle and allowing the stocking to pull out when I sat. This happened once at home, sitting on a sofa and once (underdressed) when I sat on a London bus seat! The latter was interesting (in a certain way) because I needed to go in search of a private place (department store toilet) to re-attach once I got off the bus!
Back in the days when my girlfriends/wife wore suspenders every day, I can recall only one occasion when a suspender came adrift but in that case it had broken off the belt: the suspender and strap remained attached to the girl's stocking. She had to remove it and go and buy a replacement belt to put on. On the other hand, adjustments, usually to tighten suspenders after some activity or prior to going out, etc. were quite common events.