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hi girls! whats the saying? 'a post a day keeps the doctor at bay'?
anyway, enough rambling. I have a serious question today about lipstick. I am unfortunate enough to have 'thin lips' that is, not full lips. is there any way to make my lips more prominent or if not, how do you put lipstick on lips that dont show much. I mean I do have lips! I am human after all! although some people might dispute that one! lol.
fiona xxx
Hi Fi! Well, there are products to “pump up” your lips temporarily. Also, collagen injections. But mskeup-wise you can use lip-liner pencils to “draw” outside the lips and them just use lipstick to fill them.
hi gaby. thanks for that! I never gave my lips a thought, well the size anyway. I just thought it would work. anyway, I might try a 'pump up lip' product and thinking about it, my wife has a thing by soap and glory called 'mother pucker' , honest! that's what it is called! i'm not swearing! i dont want anyone putting me across their knee and paddling my bottom lol! it puckers her lips up, she says it tingles when she applies it.
love fiona xxx
I agree where lips are concerned it's ok to color outside the lines!!!💋
Yes, I am another who uses lip liner to "enhance" my lips.
Certain food stuffs (eg. salt, chilli) make my lips swell up a tad which I believe is the theory behind those lip pumping lipsticks : they contain a safe irritant to give a short term swelling.
You know Fi? This thread just made me think about one time when I was maybe 23 or 24, one dear friend of mine made a comment about how “kissable” my lips looked (She was a bit drunk at the time so she was only being truthful! Ha!) and then she added that they (my lips) would look even better with lipstick on.
Fortunately or infortunately, she was my best friend’s girlfriend at the time, and he was just coming into the room. Oh well...