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I’ve been creating a makeup routine around a natural daytime look. However, I see crossdressers, such as Scarlet Business and Juliette Noir on Youtube. Their makeup tends to be dark. Is this a wild goose chase trying to compare how feminine their faces look compared to mine? Perhaps I’m just in a higher standard because I’m taking photos in daytime light.
I tend to think that they are doing makeup to be photographed as it does seem heavier than usual with the contouring and depth or they just like the glam look. In bright light makeup becomes more translucent thus showing more underneath. The example is that theatrical makeup is heavy as the bright lighting would go straight through a light application.
I just get advice at the salon when I have a makeover. Going to take makeup lessons as well. I want to have that perfect look for all occasions. Makeup is the biggest challenge for most of us girls.
That may be less of a concern since you can post process exposure and tint.