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As far as I know, my wife is not aware that I'm a CD, and definitely not to the full extent. She has encouraged me to get a pedicure which I've resisted for some time. Now, I'm thinking of going ahead with it because my nails and cuticles, fingers & toes, are a mess! I have several spots where my nails are not smooth due to growth undulations or some perpendicular cracks! I'm hoping they can "fix" these. I'd like to see what they can do! I'm checking out several local shops online via reviews. My only wish is that I could add color to the outcome, but that's for another time at the beginning of another out-of-town trip for an extended weekend. Do you have any suggestions for a male-someone who's never walked into a nail salon?
Just walk in and say I need to get my feet and hands done. Then ask about a mani/pedi combo special.... they always have one! Don't be worried!
A lot of guys are now getting pedicures and manicures. If your wife is encouraging it the door is open. Just walk in and tell them you want a pedicure. I bet you will not get a second look. After a few of those and your wife notices how good they look you might even suggest that you would like to try a pink shade. She might say yes.
I'm another who's going to say , just walk in & ask , they're not going to turn you away ( it's business / money ) & you'll love it. Perhaps just get a clear on nails , my toes are always coloured but fingers are clear as they get damaged daily during my work . My wife & I go together or we do ourselves at home 💅😉 Tiff
I'd suggest clear polish on fingers nails also and agree with Tiffany they might giggle a little bit just but not likely turn $$ away
I had my toes done in neon red and fingers French manicured. Never had any problems with French manicure nail when im in male mode
The yesterday I was getting my nails done (both manicured and a spa pedicure) there was a 30ish something guy next to me, I would guess there with either his wife or SOGGF very much encouraging him to atleast get the same yellow polish on his Toes the same as her toes and Fingers and suggested he atleast have clear polish on fingers Then nail tech giggles to her "miss how about having him try French manicured fingernails they would look good with his yellow toes" She (his companion) said how about it Tony? He said okay honey since it's a special day for us.
They were finished b4 I was, I was in my FULLY ENFEMME MODE and politely said Tony your nails look fabulous, listen to you companion , his (Wife? / SOGGF, most likely she had a diamond ring on her left hand) said 2me thanks miss I've been trying to get him here for many days, it's his first time here.
Hi Emma !
I think you should tell your wife you will go, if she goes with you. She is suggesting it after all. If she doesn't or won't go with you then just walk in like everyone is suggesting or perhaps call first and make an appointment for a mani-pedi. Making the call might help set you at ease. Once you see how easy it is to make an appointment, you might find it easier to actually go.
My wife had been suggesting I get a mani-pedi and I got one with her last weekend. I got clear on my fingernails and toenails. I loved it. Loved it.
Fantastic ☺
H Emma,
As someone who has had a few manicures, I say "just go for it". 🙂
I don't think the staff in a nail salon bat an eye at the sight of a man asking for a manicure. Heck, I've even had the manicurists ask me if I wanted any colour when they've finished...which, sadly, I declined.
Thanks for everyone's responses! I went for my first mani/pedi last week and I was really pleased with the results. Next step is to get nail filler or other similar product to level out some of the ridges and minor cracks in my nails. I work outdoors often, snow ski and play ice hockey so my nails get abused a bit much. I'm a little hesitant to ask a nail shop to do that type of work since the only logical reason is so that I can get color, which I'm not planning to do unless I'm fully en femme and out of town.
MY wife asked me to go to the salon one time, the first time and we just walked in together. This was before she knew about Sara. In fact I later put on clear polish on my toes while she was gone on a trip to see her sister. This is what got me caught by her. She caught a glimpse of the gloss clear the day after she came back. But before that she did not think much about it as long as I did not get polish she would have thought is was nothing unusual to get a Mani, Pedi with out polish. She now knows and still does not want me to get polish but we have been about 5 or 6 times and the second to last time the tech asked if I wanted clear polish on I said I would love it but my wife would not like it. She said I have a satin that would not show. I had her do it and never got a comment but it was funny watching the older lady (70s) sitting near me, she look at me and give a funny look I just smiled, if I remember she asked if it was polish or pink, I said clear sealer thought about saying I wanted pink but did not want the place to erupt. My wife was already getting her nails done so she did not see and never really said anything about the polish. I went over and did my pedicure and did not get polish there. LOL. I have since coming out done a french tip at home, on my toes and left it on for 5-6 days and only my wife knew could not go swimming though until it came off. I think it is not that unusual for men to get Mani Pedis I have even read some place that men do get clear polish or a very natural french tip look. This March when I go to Keystone I am hoping to get a full Mani Pedi polish and all to last the full 5 days.
My SOGGF and I just got a manicure and pedicure 3 days ago at a new salon having a grand opening special.
Spa Pedicure and Manicure with Full Set of Nail Tips $60 (USD).
As I was wearing a Blue & White Spandex Bodycon minidress, my SOGGF insisted that I get Toes polished with a Metallic Glitter Royal Blue polish (instead of my usual Red or Clear) and French Manicured fingers with 1/4" nail tips.
About 5 years ago I started to go to a salon for a mani and pedi, unfortunately the building they occupied had a fire and they closed. I found the salon where I go by accident the girls are wonderful. I go for a gel mani every 3 weeks. I have a pedi every 6 weeks. I had acrylic nails applied and I go every weeks. Now that it is Summer, I will have her extend the length of the nails. Everyone loves them.
for the longest time, my wife encouraged me to go with her for mani/pedis. And for the longest time I kept saying "no" as I thought mani/pedis were just for girls.
I will say I was totally wrong. First time I went it was great ! It was just a pedi, but my feet felt so smooth and they cleaned up my nails so I didn't have raptor claws. Fast forward to today, and we both go once a month. It has been longer now thanks to the lockdown. My wife also encouraged me to get my nails coloured too; one day when we went I saw a couple get pedis, and the guy did get colour for his toes. When we were in Seattle, I saw a couple get pedis, but no colour. A few times I see guys go in by themselves for pedis. I think this is the norm now, it is not just for girls as I first thought. Who wouldn't want smoother happy feet ?
As for manis, I've only had it done a few times, I do alot of rough work with my hands and I hate the thought of spending money and having it ruined almost immediately with work.
If it helps, go with your wife (that way you have company), don't get colour yet but ask for clear coat. Ease into the pedi thing before getting colour.
If my ex-wife would have asked to go with her and her oldest daughter I would have went and if as in wife and step-daughter they wanted to put color on my nails, I would have let them. You can always wear gloves to protect your hands and nails.
Just Do It!!