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Lol, what a wonderful suggestion, Amanda, I will have to put the bug in her ear.
Would say both giggles the plushy toys and skirt
Donna the mouseter lol.
I have worn them but they are not far above the knee. It's that balance to where and how you wear them and, a pair of pins to match!
In my early days I wore a mini and my mother glared at me, ' We're not going out with you wearing that! That's not a mini it's a belt'....Ouch....
Good for you Deborah, as I have said what you wear with a mini can really make the difference in appearance.
Lol Amanda xx
Why not. I mean we take chances every day. Why not be bold from time to time.
one thing about wearing a mini dress is that we girls feel just a bit frisky and riskque in our manners too
Definitely the right attitude Trisha.
Good heavens Deborah I don't know what you could possibly mean 😉
Mickey Mouse cuddly, cool
I love my mini’s, I have 3 mini skirts and lost count of how many mini dresses I have lol, I just love their look and showing off a bit (a lot) of leg 😊 I would love to have the confidence to wear one out to an event or club, hay-ho one day maybe.
love Stephanie xx
Good Evening Amanda
No I don't think wearing mini's are age related, there are some lovely mature ladies who wear Mini's and look good. It's all about wearing them tastefully, without having the naughty bits or knickers showing.
Love Sarah
Ok let’s face it, we all love to dress a little to young for our age. Speaking to the older crowd here folks. And why not, yes we have to be tasteful, or at least should be. Life’s too short I say, wear them and love them. I love that dresses in general are coming back in style. Let’s hope it sticks around. I also love the fall fashions, a nice upscale look with tall boots. Hugs everyone, Katie
My GG friends are always telling me my short skirts aren't age appropriate. My counter argument is "I'm NOT that old!"
I have one pencil mini that has a waist band that allows it to be shortened to mini-mini. I've worn it on my four mile walks. Invigorating! I also have a lovely skaters dress I wear when walking, care must be taken if breezy or I will be naughty, hehe. Several other skirts and dresses can be adjusted to be short. This allows me to show my GG'S a conservative look and then make the adjustment when they aren't around. My favorite is a below the knee sweater dress with a deep V neck. Using a belt I can make it as short as I like and the V shows off my coordinated or contrasting bra. The V goes almost to my belly button, ooo how I wish the boobs were real so I could go without the bra and flash serious skin.
I do have dresses that are longer "age appropriate" styles and I am fine with that. I also believe short skirts and dresses are not restricted to age if worn with the appropriate attitude. I like to be modest with a hint of naughty.
I think I enjoy more than a hint of naughty at times😉
Mini skirts are sexy. I like feeling sexy. Don't we all?! I'm wearing one:)