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Hi again. I have had a couple girls ask me about my make up routine and thought about sending instructions out to them individually, but then it dawned on me that maybe I should post the instructions for everyone to see.
Please understand that I am not in any way, shape or form any kind of make up professional. I have learned what works for me from various internet sources. I have dabbled and made a lot of really comical mistakes on this journey to create the illusion of femininity. I am just a girl, a sister, that hopes to accomplish a couple things by sharing.
First, I hope to help some newbies and allow them to possibly start their make up adventures from a better starting point. I’ve made lots of mistakes and wasted too much money on unnecessary items. I feel compelled to prevent that from happening to others.
Second, I hope that some more experienced sisters will provide constructive tips that will augment and enhance the procedure that I have developed. Maybe a total re-write of certain steps is in order. It would be great, I think, if this provides a point of reference that can be used as a basis for an exchange of information with the result being that we all benefit.
I am not doing this because of vanity or a diluted sense of being any kind of an expert. Maybe I’ll learn that my routine is so pedestrian as to be laughable. I’m okay with that as long as the ultimate outcome is that the CDH family benefits as a consequence of the resulting dialogue.
I have limited time to dedicate to capturing the complete procedure but I hope to get it all completed within the next couple of weeks. I plan to follow this intro up with a list of specific products that I use followed by several posts that will contain the details of when and how I apply the products. The posts will also contain additional information such as how to determine what the proper palette of colors your eye shadow should contain based on your eye color and other useful tips. This series of posts will be numbered to capture the sequence of events. I will do my best to provide very detailed instructions since pictures will not be used. As I said, I am someone that is willing to share the benefits of my current knowledge of what I think works for me. It in no way will be of professional quality or substance.
Maybe before I proceed, I should ask whether this is something that my sisters would be interested in? I invite you to take a look at my public photos when assessing the potential value of allowing me to be the initial guide. Hey, I am even willing to be the dart board as long as there is an overall benefit to the group. Please let me know if there is enough interest and approval to permit me to proceed.
Hugs & kisses,
Love the idea Penelope. I have found makeup is one of those things where there is always something to learn. Looking forward to seeing your articles.
Great idea.
Some points you may want to consider:
I would stress using drugstore products. They are good quality and won't kill the wallet as you are learning.
Makeup can be overwhelming we all go through it so don't give up and practice practice and practice.
Less is more and use a light hand.
Blend then blend again.
There are 7 different male facial structures compared to a woman. Those you want to soften.
Great idea, Penelope. Always looking to learn and discover new techniques on this amazing form of art.
Similar to what Katherine has said above, one thing I have learnt above all is that less is definitely more.
Judy. X.
With make-up , it's practice , practice , practice .I have been cross dressing for over 40 years and still learning the art of make-up .
It is useful, Penelope.
I had to learn how to do my makeup at Keystone, because I had to do makeup to go out in public for the first time. Before, I only did lipstick. I tried to follow the instructions in a manual from a course I had taken, but it became a mess. Sometimes I think I invested too much in cosmetics, but since it turned out to be a nice experience, I don't worry about that anymore.
I think many ladies here would find it very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to do this.