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Okay ladies, here we go.
I have made a list of everything I use when I have time to get pretty. To follow along you will need:
A roll of cloth first aid tape (I know, it starts on a strange note, bear with me).
Cosmetic wedges, sponge
Set of make up brushes, two with large circular bristled area, one with smaller circular bristles and one with linear bristles
Set of eye make up brushes, one large, one medium and one small all with circular bristles, one larger and one small with linear bristles.
Eye brow stencils - I use a stencil that has cut outs for both eyes. It has an elastic cord to hold it in place. These can be purchased on-line at Amazon or Walmart.
Make up remover wipes - Neutrogena disposables work well for me
False eyelashes and adhesive (optional) - I think falsies are one of the most direct ways to creating a much more feminine appearance (my opinion). I prefer falsies that have a greater lash density than my own lashes but not so dense as to be almost comical. If you choose to go this way, the lash choice is yours. For adhesive, I use Duo striplash white to clear adhesive.
For the following, the listing is generically as shown
Product type - Product I use
Concealer - LA girls pro.conceal HD. It’s orange. It is used to counter the blue tone of beard stubble. I use whatever shade of this stuff that I can easily find in the local stores. Not always readily available unless you canvas several stores, but it can usially be found locally .
Wrinkle eraser - Maybelline instant age rewind eraser
Color corrector - Stila one step correct. This is one of the more expensive products I use but it works great. Buy at Ulta in the US.
Foundation - Cover girl simply ageless
Powder - Cover girl advanced radiance
Bronzer - Cover girl trublend high pigment
Eye make up color palette - will cover this in the eye make up section. Preview: Google the color wheel and buy a color palette that compliments your eye color. I have blue eyes, so I use an orange based color palette. Buy a decent palette with complimentary colors whose individual color tiles appeal to you without spending oodles of cash. Make sure that there are a couple darker, near black shades. We will use those to make our eyebrows.
Blush - not picky. I actually have a small palette of three shades of pink. I smear my blush brush across all three then hit my cheeks. It is also a Cover girl product
Mascara - I have tried a few and do not really perceive any difference. I will leave the choice to you, but I use black mascara exclusively.
Lipstick - The second key to increased femininity, IMHO. I prefer the liquid type that can be painted on. But you can use actual lip stick, if you prefer.
A note about eye brows: I hate old man eyebrows. You know the wiry, growing out of control, never trimmed, several inches long type. Hate ‘em. I make that known to my family so I have a readon to keep my eyebrows closely trimmed. Comes in handy when its time to get pretty.
I get all of my feminine underwear, hose, pads, bra, forms on before I start applying make up. I will wear an old top to prevent any cosmetics from staining my bra. I wear everything except the actual dress, top and skirt or whatever the final garments are then start the procedure once I am covered by the old top.
I start with a clean, smooth face.
Shall we begin? Proceed to My Make Up Routine - Part 2a, For Wig Wearers Only.
My Make Up Routine - Part 2b, False Eyelashes – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 3, The Orange Stuff – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 5, Eyes – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 6, Finish Your Face – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 7, Lipstick – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
Thank you so much Penelope for your fantastic article. So enjoyed reading it. I never knew there are specific eye makeup brushes. I have always struggled a bit with eyeshadow so they are on my list for next time I go shopping and eyebrow stencils. Wow. Who knew. I also didn't know there is such a thing as wrinkle eraser. Having plenty of them to remove I'm going to get me some of that. I've seen the ads that say you look younger in 30 days but didn't know there is something that works almost straight away.
I totally agree with you the two biggest single things that make you look more feminine are false lashes and lipstick and I have ruined a beautiful blouse when foundation dripped onto it. I have been just doing my makeup in my underwear but wearing an old top is a better idea.
I have used the Neutrogena wipes and they are excellent. Have you tried using micellar water and makeup removal pads? I have found they do just as good a job and cost me about half the Neutrogena wipes do.
Can't wait for the next installment!
Great topic. Thanks.