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Alright, my dears, we have just two more sections, this one and one other, and then we will see our full beauty emerge. This section will cover the application of bronzer and blush.
I use bronzer to create the illusion of shadows. These shadows make certain features seem to fall into the background with the effect of bringing other features into prominence.
I use this technique in two areas. The first shadows are along my jaw line on each side of my face and the second is beneath my cheekbones.
For the jaw line, I load a make up brush whose bristles are arranged linearly, with bronzer. I then place this bronzer laden brush at the point where the top of my ear is attached to my face. With light pressure, I drag the brush downward along the edge of my face. I continue down that edge through the first slight change of direction caused by the shape of my jaw. I stop when I get to a point about even with an imaginary line drawn horizontally touching the top of my upper lip. I, of course, repeat this on the other side of my face. The point of this effort is to make these lines very subtle - remember, they are shadows.
However, you still want them dark enough to do their job. It’s something else that you might want to experiment with until you find your comfortable spot.
The next bronzer application starts at the same starting point, but this time you want to create a shadow that arcs downward and inward towards your mouth to create the illusion of a recessed area beneath your lovely cheek bones. Again, you are trying to create a shadow, so just a barely discernible line will do the trick.
Now, we get to apply the blush. I do not use a single shade of blush. I have a small blush set with a light pink, a medium pink and a darker pink blush. I use a medium sized round bristle make up brush and sweep it across all three colors of blush. I then hold the brush perpendicular to the apples of my cheeks and jab it down to contact my cheek. I generally do that only once or twice per cheek, depending on my mood that day.
The final touch is the blend. I use a reasonably clean medium make up brush to gently go over my entire made up face. The purpose of this effort is to eliminate any sharp transitions in any of the border areas where two different products are overlayed, for instance, the bronzer lines we just applied over the face make up. If you see any sharp, definite transitions, gently brush them with your medium make up brush to soften the transition.
Yay! Only one step remains. It’s the lipstick!
My Make Up Routine - Part 1, Supplies – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 2b, False Eyelashes – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 3, The Orange Stuff – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 5, Eyes – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 7, Lipstick – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
Thanks for sharing your contouring process. For those of us with big noses, some darker concealer or bronzer along the outsides of the nose and some lighter shade of concealer down the middle helps the look. Blended well of course.
You caught me. I use a little bronzer on each side of my nose in an attempt to minimize a bump in it. I have also used a little blush down the middle of my nose to try to emphasize that area and down play the rest of the nose. So many options to try. Make up is a wonderful thing.