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Can you see her? That beautiful girl you thought you saw in your mirror just now? She is just ready to fully flower. Only one thing left to do - apply lip coloring.
Here’s my thing about lip coloring - there is no penalty for coloring outside the lines and plump lips are feminine lips.
I don’t have anything to say about lip coloring shades, brands, finish, etc. I can tell you what I prefer.
I like liquid lip coloring. It is much easier for me to contour my lips with the little brush than it is with an actual lip stick. I will always choose a liquid lip coloring.
I seem to be a disciple of the one and only Taylor Swift as I, too, prefer a bright red, matte lip coloring.
To enhance the feminine impact, I enhance my lips as I color them. Just as I enhance my hips with padding and my boobs with forms, I make my lips bigger to, in my opinion, make me look more feminine.
I begin at the philtrum. Starting where my lip / skin border is in the center of my philtrum, I gently arc upwards and outwards then continue down to the outer edge of my mouth. I do this on both sides of my face. I like to leave the cleft at the philtrum, kind of reminiscent of Betty Boop, if you all know who that was. I then apply lip coloring to my bottom lip only this time from the outside inwards. I definitely color beyond my normsl lip line when I do this and encourage you to try it, too.
This probably falls into the category of you experimenting on your own to find your happy lip place.
I think that wraps this whole thing up. I hope that you are thrilled with what you see in the mirror. I guarantee a full refund of the tuition for this tutorial if you are not satisfied.
Any and all feedback, words of wisdom, criticisms are welcome.
My only intention was to spur a dialogue among us all to transfer knowledge about our personal beautification. If this style of make up is not to your liking, maybe you at least came away with some knowledge that you did not have before.
From the previous poll about the education level of us CDH’ers, we already know we are really very bright. Now we can put this knowledge to use and be the best looking as well.
i’ll post some photos tomorrow of the finished product.
Hugs & kisses,
My Make Up Routine - Part 1, Supplies – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 2b, False Eyelashes – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 3, The Orange Stuff – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 5, Eyes – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
My Make Up Routine - Part 6, Finish Your Face – Fashion Beauty & Makeup – Crossdresser Heaven Forums
Photos uploaded.
I have loved all of your makeup advice. I do much of the same things but I am definitely going try some things I had not tried. You always look so amazing so I know it is worth trying.