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Hi Leah,
Odd, how do you mean the garter won't stay in place? All the ones I have stay perfectly in place. At the risk of saying something wrong, are you wearing the garter belt / suspender at your male or female waist? They are designed to be worn at your female waist, around the navel, not our male belt waistline level. In that way they hug the top not the side of the hips and don't slip down.
The garter (wearing at the waist) gets pulled down by the stockings, unless I can find a good long enough stockings that will not need to be so stretched on my legs.
Got it. I had to buy extra long stockings in the end.
Don't go cheap on these things. You can often find them at a good price at Value Village. It should say "thigh high" on the package. And they should have a good swath of silicone hold up stuff, at least three inches, at the top. Shave that area and make sure it's really dry when you slip on these dream makers. My holdups come almost to my crotch and with a tight thong and a full light skirt.....HELLO SPRING!!!
Hi Rachel
I was very frustrated by this, I would buy an expensive pair of holdups, wear them a couple of times and when I tried them again they had lost all of there grip. Now When I take them off I try to make sure the sticky tops are folded together as you find them in the pack, I have heard this preserves the stickiness. If they have lost there stickiness I use product called Coltex. It is designed to hold compression stockings and seems to work.
Hi I have been wearing hold ups always I'm about 5foot six and get medium and they come well above my knees as you can see on my profile. I have 6 different colors. Also I have a wet look pair with a suspender belt.
Nothing like a soft flowing skirt with tight thong gaqff and beautiful stay-ups.
Sadly this is one femme purchase where you do get what you pay for.
You should buy a top end brand and buy the largest stay ups with big bands of silicone at the top. Like you I have some epic fails and some that were perfectly in place after 18 hours.
BTW, Inside one of those bagged bags of pantyhose I got at Value Village was a pair of
"Scanti-hose" These delightful stockings stay up with an extended side that connects to a thong.
Where are these originally from?
They were "Biggi Big Magic" brand from Amazon.
In fairness, I just typed into the search "hold up stockings". I'm no expert, but guessing at £9.95 they're neither big brand nor big quality. There was certainly no big elasticated band at the top, a slim barely stretchy baggy hem would be the best way to describe it.
I completely agree with you and everyone else here that I need to invest in a decent pair to make a proper judgement on it. Garter belts and stockings look nice and are more secure, but I'd like to wear hold ups as well if I can master it.
Love Rachel
Hi Girls
I have bought most of mine from Amazon £4.49 each good quality and they stay up.