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I'm guessing this has been asked before and I know the general advice is go to a wig shop and try some on but for me that is not happening so until I find my style I'm using cheap wigs. I think I have quite sensitive skin as I find a lot of things itchy which perhaps it wouldn't bother others.
I find wigs very itchy (I think it is due to hair fibres sticking through the inside of the wig cap) so I don't wear them very often or for long, and that puts me off spending more on a wig, because why spend a lot on something I won't wear much. I also get the impression that unless I go for a known brand, more expensive doesn't necessarily mean better and less itchy.
What are your experiences?
Not as much itchy, but very uncomfortably hot. I never bought an "expensive" one either, quantity over quality I guess. It took a few years but once I thought my natural hair was long enough to work with I went that direction instead. My hair is thinning on top so I have to wear it up, or down with a hat or scarf.
I have never worn a wig cap, maybe I should? I have bought a number of wigs from Paula Young, nothing too expensive (under $100 each) I am already frustrated with my new wig that I have only worn a half dozen times, the ends are already getting frizzy. I use a large tooth comb as they recommend. Maybe I need to get a better quality wig?
It is one of those conundrums with wig wearing that differs with each person. It may be the heat generated that causes itching. Does your head usually tingle when you wear a hat as effectively you are wearing one with a wig.
Some wig styles have quite thick hair and that doesn't allow good ventilation. I have found that wigs with good wefting or even mesh caps are good along with a lace front . I also have a hairdresser who styles a wig in for me and will thin the hair so it is lighter. I wear a wig all day and do have the odd tingle but nothing too bad.
I suppose it will be down to trial and error.
Old age has caught up and I'm nearly bald. Growing out my hair is not an option, so wigs it is.
I'm not aware of any non itchy wigs, i think by design it does get itchy. I've always used a wig cap and while it doesn't eliminate any itchiness, it does reduce it.
And I've used cheap halloween wigs to more expensive ones, all with a wig cap underneath.
Very often the itching is caused not by the wig hairs themselves but by the cheaper materials used in the inside structure of the wig and how they are sewn together. Better wigs use material that is softer and gentler on the scalp versus the cheaper, rougher material used in less expensive wigs.
Run your fingers gently all around the inside and feel for areas that may stick you, especially where seams come together. Sometimes you can clip a little off to make it smoother or use something like an emory board to file away the part that sticks you.
must say I have had this issues with the cheap wigs 10-20 dollars wig cap helped but I think the synthetic may cause irritation with me when I finally broke down and bought a real human hair wig I don’t ever want to take it off I don’t have any issues and they look really natural hair good luck tho understand your situation
Thanks for the replies, just to add that I have tried a wig cap but I didn't find it made a lot of difference, perhaps a thicker wig cap, the one I have is probably like a 15 or 20 denier stocking.
My two wigs were £150 and £250 and I get no itching from either of them even after a long day. I shave my head but they still don't bother me, so I suppose I am quite lucky.
I have had a thought though. Since anything on your head seems to itch, have you tried doing anything to the skin rather than changing what you wear? What I mean is, have you tried something like a barrier cream? Normally it's for the hands but I see no reason why it shouldn't achieve something on your head.
I have 2 wigs from Paula Young - one a bob style, the other shoulder length. I've worn each with and without a wig cap. I do find in warmer weather that I start ot sweat and feel uncomfortable in them which doesn't surprise me as it is like wearing a non vented hat. I also notice that after wearing one for an extended period that my head gets a bit itchy. I'm figuring that is from perspiration. When that happens I scratch it a little and get relief. I do think the wig cap helps though. Maybe try dusting a little powder inside the wig cap.
Hi Cathy, I often wear wigs for 12 hours or more and have never had a problem, it could be the quality of the wigs you are using or your sensitive scalp, perhaps a medicated shampoo would help? I'm form the UK as well and I tend to buy my wigs from Simply Wigs on line, great service, not cheap but very good quality and a huge range. They are very friendly so it might be worth sending them a message and asking their advice? God luck in finding the wig of your dreams....