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How do you girls feel about nose rings? I always thought they were cute and wanted to try one. I finally got some fakes and tried them and I'm in love. I just love the way a septum ring looks.....so cute and feminine!
Personally, I don't like them. My daughter has some in the side of her nose and, in my view, it has spoiled a really pretty face.
I wonder if this might be a generational thing. They seem very popular with the younger GG's but not those who are closer to the sort of age that many of us here on CDH seem to be. I'm not a fan either, although a single small nose-stud has always seemed both feminine and slightly rebellious to me.
My 18yo daughter's bestie has one. She's a very pretty girl.
Would I have done it? No. And I don't think a fake one would look good on me, either, but that's me.
Does it kind of fit her young, energetic vibe? Totally. But if she changes her mind in X years, she just takes it out and no one's the wiser.
Personally, I find them unattractive. Especially the ones for the septum. Since I have many issues with allergies, I can only imagine the problems associated with nose piercings and having allergies and a cold or flu. Just my opinion.
I'm not a fan. They don't look good on men or women and have that edgy 'look at ME!!" vibe to them. Same with the eyebrow one or whatever they call it now.
When I was a teen I went to a lot of rock concerts back in the 90's. This was back when you would see the chain from the nose/nostril loop piercing to the pierced ear. Guys and girls would have them. Anyway, a mosh pit broke out where I was standing and I immediately worked my way out of it. Looking over my shoulder to make sure I was safe, I saw someone reach out and grab this chain on someones face and rip it out. Drops of blood flew though the air as both ends tore free...I even remember the scream of the guy over the music. This scene will forever be etched into my memory. Never saw the guy for the rest of the concert. He was literally swallowed up by the crowd.
One piercing that I do like is the naval piercing. I think they look very femme and are amazing on toned abs. I saw a drag queen dancer at a LIPS show in San Diego this past summer who had one and it looks great in him. If I hit my goal weight this summer, I may get one myself.
To each their own, so enjoy your nose ring. I do not like them myself and do not think they look good on others either, but I am of the same opinion about tattoos. It seems to be mostly a generational thing.
I no interest in a septum ring but would love to have a small diamond nose stud. Perhaps a pierceless/magnetic one would work great for me. Anyone have experience with a magnetic nose studs?
I am not a fan of nose rings. In fact, I am not a fan of any piercings beyond a simple ear lobe piercing. I am aware that I am probably in the minority in how I feel, but I can be nothing, but honest.
MacKenzie Alexandra
I don't think there's any way I can get a nose ring. I don't like them. I am not a fan of piercings.
Personally, I don't like any piercings on the face. Ears and below the neck are fine. Face piercings just seem too primitive.
The ring through the middle of the nose reminds me of the hogs and cows with rings through their noses on the farm I grew up on. I want to clip my lead rope on them and show them at the local livestock show.
I’m all for freedom to do what you want but sometimes just because you can does not mean you should.
I do not like the look,too hideous