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hiya girls! xx , now this post is a follow up from my previous one about me buying make up for the first time and what I actually bought.
as a beginner and someone that previously only saw my wife purchasing the stuff, I found myself quite bewildered as to the sheer amount and variety as to what was available. row after row, shelf after shelf of make up which didn't seem to follow any particular order. I stood there like a man who had discovered something for the first time but hadn't a clue where to start!
worse was to follow..... my wife left me alone to fend for myself! so imagine the situation, faced with things you see with as much knowledge as you could fit on the proverbial postage stamp and nervous because its 'ladies' things you are buying.
fortunately for me, members on this site gave me prior knowledge such as making sure the bb cream matches your skin colour or slightly above. that was a huge help. finding the stuff was an ordeal as it was mixed in with lip gloss, lip stick then blusher for some paradoxical reason.
eventually, I bought lipstick, bb crème, eye shadow, blusher, bronzer, mascara and eye liner. I haven't a clue if its correct or the right shade but I suppose that will come with time and experience. the next hurdle is applying the stuff! wish me luck!
fiona xxxx
Good Luck Fiona! Getting it right seems to be a lot of trial and error. But its fun trying.
Hi Fiona!
Would you believe if I told you I know EXACTLY what you mean? I've been buying makeup for about 2 months, and have tried my hand at applying it a grand total of 3 times. I've watched countless makeup tutorials, some specific to crossdressing, some a bit more generalised. The points that have struck me most out of them all is that makeup is:
- Crazy expensive
- As varied as individual blades of grass
- An art, not a science
- Pure magic when it all comes together
My intention is to just have fun with it, refining my feminine presentation as I go. Sure, I'm bound to look ridiculous now and then, but I wander around town (in male mode) wearing dresses and glossy hosiery, so my makeup just increases the ridiculousness by an order of magnitude. LOL
hi marika. i really could not have put it any better myself and i agree totally with everything you said and i would add one extra point, quality. dont! just dont! ever buy kids make up like i did, its useless, and is a huge moral squasher!
fiona xx
Ladies, makeup is indeed an art. But one in which you can get better the more you practice, regardless of being talented or not. And it is the same struggle for to master for girls too.
Maybe one helping thing to give you an idea of what can be a goal could be “Faceapp”, an app fpr your phone which will morph a portrait photography in different ways. One of those is to change from male to female.
I ran it with one of my pics and loved the result. True, I wouldn’t be able to duplicate in real life without lots of FFSs, but it is some guide on which are your assets and the things you would need to highlight and those you should cover up. At the end of the day, that’s the goal... highlight the good features. How? Light and darkness. Your nose is wider than you’d like? Lighter color along the middle, darker on the sides (very simple example) give it a try, it may encourage you to try those techniques.
Here is my “enhanced” look. I’ll keep on trying!! 🙂
My wife helped me with picking out a foundation. She held up different shades up to my face til she found the right one. We went with a 3 in 1 foundation by CoverGirl. I was having a bit of hard time with the applicator pad. So, a few days later, she saw stipple (?) brushes on sale for 75 cents each. I got the hang of it really quick with the brush. I'm considering learning correction next to hid beard shadow better (still there after a good close shave).
I haven't managed to get round to buying make up yet as I never have enough money and it is sooooooo expensive! The only piece of make up I own is some lipstick that my wife bought me which showed me that she has excepted Samantha in me :), also I would not have a clue what I am looking for with make up and what colour goes with my skin! I really need a friend to go and do this all with 🙂 lol
Samantha x
hi Samantha. I was totally the same, I had no idea either. after receiving so many helpful replies on here and trawling the internet for hours I decided to try to get what I needed on a tightish budget. boots here in the uk have a cheaper range and I was told by other members on here, to not get expensive make up until I know what I am doing (great advice). my wife, after weeks of me nagging her (makes a change ME nagging her, not the other way round!), came with me to choose foundation and concealer and to match them to my skin. so far it seems to work!
fiona xx
Fiona, why don’t you try the Boots No7 Colour match service, so long as you have shaved real close you should get a good reading. They are more than happy to do it even if you present in Drab and you could ask if they can match it to the cheaper Boots No17 range.
Here is a link to the booking https://www.boots.com/no7-book-an-appointment but you don’t have to book you can just ask.
cheers for that jean, I didn't know. I did get most of my make up from boots. to be honest it was a speedy visit as I did not want to draw attention to myself (I am overly self conscious).
fiona xx
I absolutely love doing my makeup. My SO told me last night they she’s ashamed to admit that I do mine better than she can do hers. She chocked that up to me having more patience lol.
Gaby is right. It’s an absolute art. Knowing the features to highlight and how much to highlight is a crucial step but definitely not in the beginning. To start, focus on making sure you get a smooth application. Brushes are your best friend. Throw the applicator pads in the trash lol. I use 3 main brushes for a base. One heavier foundation brush for applying concealer and foundation, a buffing brush to smooth and blend followed by a light powder brush. Now obviously there are more brushes and products I use but this is basic. I have amassed a lot of makeup. Some was due to trial and error. Others were because “hey, that pallet is cute” lol.
For eyeshadow, use a “windshield wiper” motion and make sure you don’t apply too much at once. Let it build rather than caking it on. Once your comfortable with basic eye makeup, I’d suggest more complex applications. Shadowing the crease and having a bit more blend from your lid to your face rather than having a hard edge. This comes with time and practice though. I’m still trying to perfect it. Eyeliner can be tricky for some. Just keep a steady hand. It held to pull the corner of your eye towards your ear. This draws the lids tighter so you don’t have any “skips” in the application. I love liquid eyeliner but have yet to find the perfect one.
Just keep practicing hun. When you can make cheap stuff lol like expensive stuff, and you’re going to be wearing makeup more regularly, get yourself some quality products. They’ll last longer, work easier, and look better.
Of course this is all my opinion lol