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Hey Ladies. Look, you know I have few opportunities. I'm going to take a deep breath and admit, I've never worn panties. Oh the shame! On my few femme occasions I've actually usually worn my male pants under a belt and stockings! There were a couple of times I deliciously wore an open bottom girdle with stockings. But do I need panties with that? So come on girls, spill the beans and educate me. What exactly are panties? What different styles, fabrics, colours? Any recommendations? Can you get a firm control panty? What style do you favour? And how do they make you feel? Lastly the big question. Do you wear your panties under or over your tights/pantyhose/belt and stockings?
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
To be honest, I think a bit of experimentation is in order (when the opportunity arises).
For us, they have an extra job to do that women don't need to address, so the design is important. To stay comfortable, I found that a wide enough gusset is necessary to keep everything in control. A minimum of 3" does that for me. Some panties are designed in a way that holds me in well. Some have short "legs". One kind that I like are very rectangular, straight across, top and bottom. I am not sure, but they might be what is called boy shorts.
For the most part, most thongs are useless. Again, unless the gusset part is wide enough to keep the nuts and bolt from falling out. Look at crossdressing thongs to see what I mean.
Although I have lacy panties, they don't seem to be very practical for everyday wear. They look and feel nice, though. So if you are limited as to what you can wear, or limited in the time you can wear them, then be practical and buy smartly.
I think I'm right here but panties are female underpants. For me the first thing I put on usually is a pair of panties just like the first thing you put on in male mode would probably be your undies. Then whatever else you are wearing be it pantyhose or shapewear or your dress, leggins or whatever else goes over the top.
Now there is a massive amount of choices here. G Strings or what you call in the UK Thongs. We call flip flops thongs here in Aus and that has got me a few funny looks from UK people when I say I'm looking for my thongs. I don't find them overly comfortable.
What I do find comfortable is bikini briefs. Even more so than mens underwear. One in two days I wear a black pair of them as my underwear. I have told my wife I find them more comfortable and she doesn't seem to mind as the ones I wear are just all black and you cant really tell their for women. She might feel differently if the ones I wear were pink or had lace. I have to say that the material many of the womens panties is made of is softer and more sheer than mens underwear and feels so much nicer on your skin which is one of the reasons I prefer to wear them even when I'm not dressing up.
Their are the high cut briefs that are also comfortable but on me anyway they cover all the way up to my waist which if that is what you find comfortable go for it.
Lacy panties are something I usually haven't found comfortable to wear but Chrissie if you go to like a Kmart or Target (I think you have them in the UK) or basically one of the cheaper department stores just buy one of anything that takes your fancy and give them a try. They are really cheap. Like here I get 3 pairs for $12 and when on special they are $2 each.
Good luck Chrissie with them. Would love to hear how you go.
@chrisfp99 To be honest, I have only a few pair of underwear made for women. They usually don't fit me all that well, and...well, I think once I started going out the secret thrill that they might provide sort of dissipated.
I can understand it for the look of the thing, and the ones that I do have and wear I got for some more intimate photos I wanted to take. When I go out, I wear underwear that is more practical and does what I need it to do - keep things smooth and make my tush look good 😉
For beginners, standard women's briefs from Vanity Fair & Elomi you almost can't miss. On the sizing guides, use your hip size only and ignore the waist number. If they pull over your hips, they will be big enough for your waist. Most men can comfortably wear medium even with a 38 or 39 inch waist I've found cuz your hips will still be at least an inch bigger.
Now that I've been without men's for over two years, panties are so much more comfortable than mens briefs for me there is no comparison. A lot of mens underwear is cotton and you wash it in hot or warm water, and dry them on hot. (Since they're cotton you know, and you have to machine dry them.) Now you've wrecked the elastic in the legs, so you might as well be wearing tap pants instead with no support of the anatomy. And even with care, the elastic in the legs/crotch of mens just doesn't hold up over time.
Nylon panties will dry easily hanging on a door knob and so the elastic never gets abused. I remember tugging and diddling with mens briefs in order to get it all comfortable and with panties, I never think about it at all.
Hi Chrissie,
You asked about control panties. You’ll find light, medium and firm control. As you suspect they’re Shapewear that are intended to hold you in. Some brands are smooth and feel great while others are more stretchy.
With a garterbelt or OBG I like to wear the panties over so as to make the bathroom visit easier. And with tights or pantyhose your panties can be worn under.
Chrissie -
This is a difficult question to answer as there are so many styles to choose from. I think it is personal preference when it comes to what panties to wear.
I have a variety from granny panties, bikini, hipsters, boy shorts, thongs/g-strings, some plain cotton, microfiber, nylon, lace and those with lace trim. When wearing a garter belt and stockings I wear the panties over for easier use of the bathroom, for pantyhose and tights I wear them under - never made sense to me to wear panties over pantyhose/tights.
Just take some time to peruse the lingerie section to see what is available. You can find them in multi packs or singly. The price will depend on what and where you are purchasing them - I've seen panties from $4 to $14 a pair.
Once you start you'll want to get an assortment to choose from when you gt dressed. Panty shopping is fun and addictive so enjoy yourself.
Wow, never worn panties!!! They are just about the best femme item there is. That and bras are my main items, everything else builds from there. Aside from the wonderful feeling or wearing panites, they are the single easiest thing to wear with no one having the slightest idea you are wearing panties.
There are so many styles, cuts, fabrics and colors of panties that it all comes down to personal preference. My best advice is to start buying different types and find what you like. Just because I like sexy thongs doesn't mean you will.
I have shopped for panties for years and never had an issue in any store. I have no doubt nearly every SA has had many male customers so to them it is no big deal to help us buy panties. VS has been particularly great about panty shopping for me.
I am aghast!! I always believed that wearing panties is the first step on the slippery slope that is crossdressing. 🤣
Only have a few pairs of female thongs I wear when i have my silicone bottom on other then that I have many male panties like thongs and G strings made for the male items I never was a fan of wearing women panties due to the fronts are usually small and things like to pop out spend more time adjusting down there then enjoying just my thoughts tho sorry I can’t help with much advice here trial and error is all I can say
Hi Chrissie!
Since you are asking about control panties I will assume you have a bit of a tummy like I do. Since a woman's natural waist line is considered to be at her belly bottom, full briefs and high leg cuts tend to roll down my tummy. That is why I prefer and recommend hipsters and bikini cuts. You get full front and rear coverage, so maximum fabric to skin contact while the waist elastic sits at the top of the hips.
I think you will find synthetic materials with 12% elastane/spandex will be a little more forgiving on the size where cotton doesn't stretch as much so sizing will need to be a bit more accurate.I find the synthetic blends to feel nicer than cotton ones.
As for fitting in the male bits... In my case gusset width isn't usually an issue since my bits don't hang that low. I only encounter problems staying inside with some thongs which tend to be very narrow at the bottom. Boy shorts are always a good option since they have "legs" that go lower than the gusset.
I hope this helps.
It's not as popular with some of the other members, but I like to wear Ania's Poison they make painties for our bodies right here in America, very comfortable
I wear Bali full cut nylon panties. Their gusset is nice and wide. In the summer, I often use some Maidenform full cut cotton panties for the same reason. I have a few nylon bikinis but only wear them occasionally with certain outfits.
I wear my panties under my pantyhose but over my garter belt.
Girls, I feel it would have been less of a shock to you if I announced I was an axe murderer rather than that I have never worn panties 😂. Thank you for your considerate and informative responses. Gosh, some of you ladies have a lot of panties 😂 xx.
Hi Chrissie,
I always wear panties or as we call them in the UK knickers, there is nothing more sexy as wearing a nice set of matching lingerie of bra panties and suspender belt with some nice stockings, you always wear your panties over your suspender belt because it's easier to take your panties down when you go to the toilet, if you wear it under then you have to unclip your stockings before you can sit down,
Hugs Roz X