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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

I've had a beard for decades but since last December, when I started dressing in earnest, I have been clean-shaven. I most often use a wet razor but have taken to using an electric shaver just to keep things tidy if I can't be bothered with the whole thing. Trouble is, sometimes it is a little sore under the nose and on the chin and I was wondering if pre-shave lotion for electric razors is any good.

Any users of pre-electric lotion, or other suggestions as to keeping the skin calm when using an electric razor? The fact that my skin is far from young doesn't help.


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Famed Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Thanks for raising this topic, Becca, I'm in the same flotation device. I shaved mine off just over a month ago after more than 40 years. I used a Gillette razor initially and have also bought a foil electric wet and dry shaver, using whatever one I trip over.

So, I've no idea about lotions etc. except for moisturising afterwards. I'll be very interested in the replies to this 😊.

Allie x

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1617

@rebeccabaxter My beard is long-gone but I am prone to dry skin. I moisturise a couple of times a day and now shave daily whether having a femme day or not.

I can't say I've ever tried a pre-shave lotion for an electric razor.

Anna x

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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In my case, I used electric shavers for decades, until I got fed up with them (frequently replacing relatively costly parts, getting cuts from holes in the screen, dead shavers) and started using blades and foam.

I never needed a lotion with the electric ones and didn't get shaver burn, so I can't recommend anything for them, except to use a good razor and foam.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Try using a primer. It is very thin and has enough lubrication to work but you will have to clean the heads a bit more. Rub a little in and let dry.It is also a trick after a razor shave after resting the skin for a while and using the razor again to finish things off.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1168

@ab123 I'll try that. My leccy razor is wet or dry so shouldn't be a problem.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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I use a Braun wet and dry electric shaver, I use a pre shave lotion that works as a moisturizer and lubricant, it gives me an amazingly close shave that lasts the day.


Ms. Lauren M

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Interesting post. I removed my magnificent beard in May to attend my makeover. Since then I've got pretty fed up of shaving (with a blade). Thinking of getting a rotary shaver. Not sure I'll get a closer shave, and definitely not sure when I'll next have the exquisite pleasure of applying makeup to my face 😢 xx. 

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3797

Posted by: @chrisfp99

Thinking of getting a rotary shaver. Not sure I'll get a closer shave

In my experience, you have to be diligent shaving with any type of razor or shaver.

What I used to do with electric ones was to use the full palm of my free hand to brush my face against the grain of the whiskers, to raise them up for the electric shaver to cut them off closely. It worked.


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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1168

@chrisfp99 Electric shavers don't give as close a shave as a wet razor by virtue of the fact that there always has to be a thin layer of metal between the moving blades and the skin, therefore the length of any bristles left have to be almost the thickness of that layer (I expect there is some pressing of the skin into the blade area through the holes); a wet shave doesn't have that disadvantage. That said, for anything but the closest inspections (or the most severe blue shadow), an electric shaver will do the job for the most part.

I only do a wet shave every now and again, most especially when I am going out—at the same time, I do my arms and legs.


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