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Pretty toenails

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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I’m embarrassed by my toenail fungus.

 The Internet is full of supposed cures. I just keep trimming and filing and hiding them.

Has anyone had real success managing or curing it?

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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I feel your pain Trudi. My doctor says the only cure is a 9 month course of tablets which are bad for your liver. I don't paint mine and just make sure they're hidden away! xx.

(@Anonymous 93975)
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Fortunately the pain is just in my pride.

I have a bro-in-law vet who has cautioned my sister against using those pills.

I think my now-deceased father-in-law took them and it didn’t help. He might not have followed the regimen.  He did not die of liver failure.

(@Anonymous 93975)
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If I painted mine I could certainly never get it all off.

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Noble Member     Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States of America
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@trudi I had success, but it took an 8 month course of Lamisil tablets on prescription. That, accompanied by blood tests to ensure my liver was holding up to the treatment, saw my nails grow out healthy. It's a long drawn out cure which, for me, worked ok. However, the fungus returned some years later andI am infected again, although nowhere near as bad as before.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @Anonymous 93975

Has anyone had real success managing or curing it?

I used apple cider vinegar because I didn't want to get involved with the drugs, either. I am sure normal 5% vinegar should be OK, but there is also 10%, too, although I didn't try that one. Small amounts of dilute vinegar (4-6% acidic acid) on your skin is safe.

I used a plastic syringe from a local drug store to keep it in control. It takes a few weeks, but it works and is inexpensive and ubiquitous.

I think that I looked for alternatives that work on something like WebMD. You can find others solutions.


(@Anonymous 93975)
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@harriette What takes so long is having your toenails grow out .  That’s why I’m not sure if it’s working. One good part of the Vicks is you can tell it sticks around. So if I don’t shower it off I don’t necessarily need to reapply it.  I just think the smaller nails have improved. There is more skin covered by the big toenail so it’s harder to penetrate to the underside. 
i am not at all afraid of vinegar on my skin so I may substitute that or add it to the regimen after I give Vicks a little more solo time

The consensus says neither thing will work.

i think my toes were pretty bad.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@trudi Mine were pretty bad, too, but not any more. It certainly didn't go away from nice thoughts.

I hadn't heard about Vicks. I like the idea of it being less volatile and evaporating quickly.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@trudi I'm a long distance runner. At various times, I've lost all my toenails. The grew back at all sorts of odd angles and the inevitable black toenails. Nail polish hides a multitude of sins.  I would never buy or wear open-toed shoes.

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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The "cures" found on the internet are snake oil.


Many years ago I had to deal with a case of toenail fungus, particularly bad timing when it is summer and one wants to show off pretty painted toes in cute sandals.

I saw a dermatologist, and if I recall correctly, he treated me with a prescription drug and a laser treatment.  He also sent a sample to the pathologist.

Additionally, he gave me information on how to avoid future infections. 


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(@Anonymous 93975)
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So, did it work?  Does the maintenance require continuing medication?

I know people who have gone to doctors with limited results or returning infections.

 I appreciate your experience and encouragement.

When I ask online from a source as good as the Mayo clinic I have never felt like they offered any real solutions.

Some people have toenails removed.  Mine aren’t that bad but I’m willing to seek medical intervention.

(@Anonymous 93975)
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Yes, it worked, and I do not take any continuing medications. 

Trudi, I don't know what your personal situation is, but at my age, when I have a medical issue, I generally seek in person professional medical help.  I am up there in years.

Can you search on line for a reputable dermatologist or podiatrist in your area?

Fortunately, I live in a large city, Atlanta, where I have wide access to many medical specialties.  I just got over a case of COVID, nothing to fool with, at my age.  Docs treated me with a newly-approved drug and I was back to normal in just a few days. 

I send you hugs and my wishes you find a solution to this beauty problem, as every girl deserves to be able to show off her pretty toenails. 

(@Anonymous 93975)
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I’m pretty healthy but my toes have stayed bad for a long time.

I turn 71 tomorrow and I could afford to see a doctor.  I just tend to avoid them.

I’m appreciating the responses.


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(@Anonymous 93975)
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I researched it, too. Tried different things. Then I saw a website from a podiatrist in the Detroit area. He said Vicks Vapor Rub.  Almost like, don't come in to bother us with it, just use Vicks.  

It works for me.  For different skin issues I've had success with [strong] Manuka honey, tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and for the toes, Vicks.  I think it's the Eucalyptus oil.  And with the vapor rub, its already diluted where as with, say, tea tree oil one must dilute it with something like olive oil so it doesn't burn a hole in your skin or something.

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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I would accept something simple.

Did you go from bad to good?

Do you slather and wrap at night or just rub it in all day?

(@Anonymous 93975)
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just apply a little bit enough to say you put some on but not enough to stain your socks.  I don't like my feet to like be sliding all around, apply it like you would moisturizer.  And you got the whole little tub of it and it's not like you need it for anything else.  I put some on every 2-4 days.  work it in under the nail a little bit.  

(@Anonymous 93975)
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February 2 -3//27 with Vicks on my toenails and I think it’s actually working.  I think the little toes show the most improvement probably because they are so short anyway.

it’s way slower than watching paint dry.

I’ll report back in a month or so. They all look better but that is partly because I really keep them filed down and the Vicks sort of moisturizes them.

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I've kept mine painted sparkly red for the years? They always look shiny and pretty!


And for the record, I spend 95% of my time in guy mode.

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Estimable Member     California, United States of America
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My toes are always professionally pedicured and in women's sandals for everyone to see. Thy are usually OPI Big Apple Red (Hooker Red) or a bright pink. I present as a feminine male with a female hairstyle, and women's purse, and women's sandals. I get a lot of compliments from women on my pedicures and choice of color. Guy friends used to tease me about my girl toes and I would tell them that they are jealous.


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