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In the past few years I have personally started to use a purse to hold stuff. I really love playing around with different purses and actually keep one for every day use. While I do not get to go out as DebbieJayne very often(except setting on the patio in my fenced in yard), when my wife and I go anywhere we either decide to throw our stuff in one or actually each take our own. Mine usually stays locked in our vehicle, but it is still nice to be able to have that gurly expression of my inner self with me. So I was wondering how many of you actually use a purse on a daily basis, and how many only use one as an accessory when dressed?? Look forward to all the comments!!!!
Love, DebbieJayne!!
I recently had a quandary about taking a purse on a flight with an airline which reduced the size of free baggage which could be taken in the cabin. Thought I could use it as an excuse to use one of my purses while in male mode. I had a lovely black purse designed for women, which I was wondering if I could take onboard.I chickened out and bought a small black shoulder ‘man’ purse. No decoration or bling on it to make it attractive, purely functional, but a first for me. I loved having something so handy for passports, tickets, phone etc etc ( and slipped in a clear lip balm). It may seem a small thing but in Scotland men wearing little shoulder bags are still a rare sight. When I landed in Rome I was so happy to see many of these purses slung over men’s shoulders. Hopefully the more it happens the more it will become the norm, and the lines between male and female purses will blur, allowing us to use more glam ones, to express ourselves however we want. I wonder if anybody would have noticed ?
I have about a dozen purses now Debbie and cant imagine being out en femme without it. Important to complete ones outfit for sure but so practical and find it hard being out in male mode without one now
I usually carry my wife's purse for her when we got out but we're currently looking for one for me for everyday use. It needs to be gender neutral-ish in color but a feminine design. Like a lot of things we have planned for me, I want to display my femininity in small ways 24/7 even if I can't dress.
I have two, one is full of cards and stamps, coins, some folding money a nail file, two photographs and it seems some parrot feathers. This is 'my purse' and I use it more or less all the time. It's a 'Pauls Boutique purse with some dangly charms, black but folds out bright pink inside. I adore it !
The other is empty now, but goes out to clubs containing folding cash and another four small essential items only. I it get's stolen, I lose some cash, two items of makeup, one small brush and a small packet of slick gel. It's cheap, covered in sequins and has a naff looking gold shoulder chain. It is of no significant value to me, financial or emotional.
I do have a wallet too, which my daughter bought for me, it contains one bank card and a union card I use it at work where I need to present as male.
Imogen x
Imogen X
First off, even when dressed in drab I've always could not stand having anything in my pockets. That is so uncomfortable. Actually, that is one reason I love gurl jeans, they have little to no pockets!
Anyway, I've always wanted to carry a purse. I have "messenger bags", or other more manly looking bags I carry stuff in. But I really have for a long time wanted to carry a purse. That is one in many steps (out) I really want to take.
Purse is a must! I love it, she's my side kick. have to have it! When was the last time you saw a lady out without her purse?
A purse!! Now that’s what I need! Since I’ve never ventured out my front door en femme, I never thought I had to get one. But….. if ever there comes a time when I do drum up the courage to meet other CDs, I couldn’t leave home without it.
Of course, considering my inclination to low-profile behavior, my purse(s) would be much less of a decorative accessory, and more of a simple, utilitarian item.
I use a cig case and a purse as well it’s a must have when I’m out and about