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i've had dark circles under my eyes since I was little. Do any of you girls have any tricks to lighten dark circles under the eyes? I've had moderate success with concealer and foundation but it's still darker than the rest of my face. Any suggestions are welcome!
My best advice is to get professional help, especially with a demonstration to prove that the stuff that you want to buy actually works the way that you want.
The sales clerks would love to help you.
Edit: because the dark areas are always there, you don't have to be concerned about the crossdressing aspect when asking for help, either. Just tell her that you are fed up with the dark areas and that you want to deal with them without looking as if you are wearing make-up. Good sales clerks know how to be professional about this.
I agree, stop by any good makeup counter and ask. I have the opposite problem, areas of pigment loss on my face which I tried to correct with concealer with marginal success. My daughter was getting married so lots of family photos, so we stopped by Sephora and the MUA used a combination of concealer and foundation, one of which was green. I thought what is this green paste she is putting in my face, but she worked her magic and my issue was solved.
If you are nervous about going into a store for makeup just tell them you need to hide the dark circles for a family photo. You do not need full make up, but it is really fun having a full makeover.
The MUA's at Ulta or Sephora can point you in the right direction.
I notice Sephora is very supportive of cross dressers. I will support them and see what they have to offer me. Thanks Fiona!