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I love the look and feeling of smooth legs, but I find it awkward to explain why my legs would be hairless. I tend to shave them in the winter, when they would be covered up, are there any reasons girls could offer.
I know this is probably an old question, but any help would be welcome.
Jennifer, I have shaved my legs for the last two months. I play a good bit of golf and my guy group has not even noticed and my wife hasn’t either . Also, I live in the south and wear shorts when not at work and no issue. I am not saying someone might not notice but for me it has been great.
You might find this more of a non issue then you think. Like Michelle said-none of her golf friends have said anything and nothing from wife.
I have been shaved year round for 6 or 7 years and other then my wife asking "Are you shaving your-arms, legs etc" and her saying "I need to process that" no one has said anything to me. Last time she asked was several years ago. I am involved in guy activities where you are in very close proximity at times standing your underwear and not one friend has said anything. So many men do this now it does not seem to be an issue for most though I'm sure some people might bring it up. You could say something like I prefer being hair free or skirt the subject.
I too generally shave only in the cooler months. I’ve seen others on here give the avid cycler or swimmer as their excuse before.
<p style="text-align: left;">Thanks for all the wonderful advice. I had thought of doing more cycling and as Sandy said body hair removal for men Is more popular and people would probably not care.</p>
Thanks all
I tell people I'm a crossdresser. That seems to work.
Hi Jennifer
How about brutal honesty.
’I just think they look and feel so much better Shaved’
perhaps with some gentle persuasion.
’Don’t you agree they look so much better?’
I have realised it is not such a big deal, especially if you are open and honest about it, just be proud of them, what’s wrong with it. I know historically it’s not a ‘manly’ thing to do but it’s 2019.
Old but always a good question Jennifer,
My wife hates it when I shave my legs, she is some what Ok with it in the winter.
I think part of it is she is afraid I will be discovered by our friends.
( my wife said my best friends wife was noticing my razor burned legs earlier this spring so I stopped)
My wife I think likes my hairy legs.
She says I can shave in the winter and I can hardly wait.
I love having them shaved.
When I was 17 I wore pantyhose for my girlfriend. She did not like the hair crushed underneath. She thought it looked weird, so she helped me shave the hair off. I thought my legs looked strange with no hair on them. But when I put on a new pair of pantyhose I was thrilled. My legs looked and felt so good.
Then she coerced me into wearing the pantyhose out with shorts. I was real nervous about that, fearing all these bad things that could happen when someone noticed me wearing pantyhose. No one seemed to notice. It was lots of anxiety for nothing and we had a lot of fun once I calmed down and relaxed some.
Since then I have not let hair grow on my legs. I really wanted to keep my legs hair free for pantyhose wearing but was worried about getting noticed for having hair free legs. Maybe it's because I didn't have a lot of hair to begin with so removing it didn't make a big visual difference, or maybe no one noticed.
Agree wholeheartedly, and besides who cares. It feels good and looks great.
Patty ,
My hubby is very hairy. Some areas of his body, I have always felt is was very sexy but also manly. Having said that, I know manly is not what he seeks now therefore he shaves his whole body at times.
If anyone has noticed his shaven legs, they have never mention it. Not even the kids. I always tell him if anyone should notice, to tell them (since we live in the south) that the sweats makes the hairs stick to his legs as they are (were) so hairy. Because it actually does. It’s like the beads of sweat hang on each strand. Hope this helps.
This has been really interesting, I don't think I am ready for the brutal honesty approach, but I will definitely shave over the winter and perhaps increase my cycling as a pretext for smoother legs in the summer.
This is something that I have worried about as well. Now, unlike some, I don't have huge amount of body hair, but earlier this year decided that I really wanted to shave my legs, but since no one in our family or friends know about my dressing that worried me. So far, I don't believe that anyone has noticed, but also I don't wear shorts out very often, and have taken extra care not to show my clear legs.
Though as have another poster noted, shaving is not as common for men, it is done more so than in the past.
I am also am the same about my chest hair, afraid that someone would notice, but no one, other than my wife notices.
I have frequently shaved my body hair in the summer months, and have always disliked the hairiness.
From about age 7 I dreaded growing up and becoming horrible and hairy and smelly.
It still makes me feel quite ill to see a really hairy man in a dressing room or swimming pool - I can't explain why. I have to change facing the wall so I don't see other men, and shower very quickly.
My wife has never liked that I shave, and I have left myself hairy to keep her happy - but maybe I'm getting more selfish as I go through middle age?
I really think, like, this is my body, and I love being silky smooth and clean shaven all over. It actually makes me feel happier about myself.
So why not?
I have never dictated to her what she should or shouldn't do to her body - and wouldn't dream of it!
In my opinion, people should be free to do what they like, as long as no actual harm is done - physical or mental.
Co-ercing someone to be something they're not is unacceptable.
So my body will be fresh and clean shaven, and If anyone has anything to say about it, then they must be making a joke, as it's not their business, but mine.
So a good laugh at their hairiness is the fix!
Love Laura