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Although I have been dressing for many years, I have just now recently began taking it to the next level and trying to look passable. So, last night, I tried shaving my legs for the first time and it did not exactly go as planned. I cut myself all over and bled like crazy. Does anyone have any tips on how I can shave without making it look like I just sacrificed a goat in my bathtub?
lol Allison. you have my sympathies. a few weeks ago I tried the same exercise only my legs itched like crazy. I would recommend first to use a trimmer (a battery type) on your legs first to get rid of the longer hairs as this would clog up your razor quickly. after doing this use plenty of shaving foam and a decent razor (I use a 5 blade type such as gilette or Wilkinson sword). carefully shave and try to make sure the razor does not get choked with hairs as this will stop the razor cutting causing you to press harder to try to effect a decent shave! take your time, dont rush. afterwards, I am told, use a balm or something to try to stop the itch which you may suffer from afterwards. good luck!
fiona xxx
Use plenty of soap or use shaving oil. I find shaving in the shower helps as it washes away the trimmed hair so you can easily see what remains to be done. Shave mainly downwards, upwards can produce those cuts if you aren't warmed up and the hairs are long. Take care around the back of the knee. Most of all use a new razor, and not a cheap one!
And if you want it to be easier in the future, regularly exfoliate and moisturize.
hi Allison. just a safety note, as if it is not obvious, dont! use an electric trimmer in the shower! we dont want any shocking experiences! take care.
fiona xx
Long smooth strokes always use shaving cream, hair conditioner also works very well. As has been said use a good razor. I use the pink quattro designed for woman. I would never use those throw away razors. I shave just about everyday. I shave right in the bathtub and because I do shave everyday it's just a maintenance thing now and gets done quickly. I shave everything except for a small area where i try and create a triangle.......
It's OK Allison we all cut our selves the first few times. Welcome to CDH. I recommend that you buy one of those small clippers and cutoff the majority of the hair and then shave with shaving cream. Some of the other girls use conditioned. Nair or Waxing might work for you too.
Good luck sweetie just don't go out with cuts all over your legs.
XO Jenna
I find that even if I get into a daily regime, use a good razor, oil, etc, there's still enough tiny stubble left that my wife hates the feeling - any tips other than waxing/electrolysis?
Hi Allison. I do an all over job and need to do it often to keep up so I bought myself a decent quality rechargable razor with the attached trimmer which does a good job and its water proof. If I do happen to miss something or want an ultra-smooth finish on my chest or legs i can go over things with shaving cream and a regular razor without having to try too hard which seems to be when cuts occur. Practice makes Pretty. Best of luck 💋
Slowwwwww. Take your time and use a good razor. Cheap disposables are not your friends. Don’t use too much pressure. Careful around the back of your knee and Achilles. Use a good shaving cream. Speaking of shaving cream, more is not better. You just need a thin layer. Use too much and you’ll gum up the razor. Rinse the razor frequently. Also, if you shave when the hair is too short or too long, you risk knicking your legs. Shaving with the grain instead of against it will help prevent knicks too. Most import is taking your time though.
Has anyone tried the "finishing touch flawless legs"?I want to buy it because I can get a smooth shaved,but days later,I have irritation from the hairs growing back.
And the way I do it,isi scrub my legs with soap and warm water first.i use shampoo as my shaving cream.and always use a new razor,going with the direction of hair growth first.that way,you'll see if your razor is going to perform correctly or give you Knicks.
If you want to avoid cuts & go about two weeks between applications, consider an epilator—razors take from the surface up, depilating, but epilators remove the whole hair. The first time is the most painful, and you’ll have “razor bumps” and redness for at least 4 hrs, so have something soothing like a bucket of aloe vera handy. If you search on “epilator girl” you should find the article that got me started. You’ll need to exfoliate at least every other day while the hairs grow back (not all will), to avoid ingrown hairs. That said, hairs don’t all grow in the same direction, which means you can miss some, and shaving will actually leave you temporarily smoother. Do try to find that article if you’re interested. Good luck!
Hi Allison ,I shave the private area and just a little down my chest to clear my bra lines and my face . I do not shave my legs as i have no hair follicle's on them at all. If it is of any help ,my wife puts a huge amount of shaving cream on her legs but lets them roast in the hot water from a bath first, that seems to do the trick good luck . PY xx.
I find that even if I get into a daily regime, use a good razor, oil, etc, there’s still enough tiny stubble left that my wife hates the feeling – any tips other than waxing/electrolysis?
As Donna mentioned : you could use an epilator. That would be a whole new topic though! I use one but still shave inbetween epilations as there are always hairs trying to make a bid for freedom.
Otherwise shave in the evening after a hot bath or shower. The pores are more open and the shaving can get a bit deeper that way.
Hi Allison,
Use a very good razor, if no one else has said that before. I keep my legs shaved full time now, shave daily, but then I don't have a lot of leg hair to begin with.
Love the feeling!
Lol sorry to hear! Maybe a dull blade?
What worked for me:
Use trimmer first to get most off.
Make sure blade is sharp. I don't like more than 3 blades just my preference seems to irritate more.
Small strokes light pressure rinse blade often.
I have better luck in bath than shower because you can lift legs out of water for easier shave.
Women's shaving cream Eos (cuz thats allai found) although I don't always use.