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Greetings all,
This topic came to mind because of a dress I bought recently at Savers, which is a chain of secondhand stores here in the northeastern U.S.
I still shop for women's clothes like a guy shopping for beer or tools or ammo: See it, like it, grab it, go. Search-and-destroy. So when I saw the "LOGO" brand on the label of the dress, I paid it little mind because I was only checking for size. Sometimes the sizes get a little mixed up in a place like that..
It wasn't the label that caught my eye at first. It was the color (black, and I'd been wanting some kind of LBD) and the scalloped lace hemline. The price was less than $12, certainly affordable, and I'd guessed right on the size.
Tonight, after getting home from a long day at work and a few after work errands, something triggered my memory so I took another look at the label on the dress. The LOGO brand is the trademark of one of the in-house designers for one of the major television shopping channels here in the States. So not only did I luck into a bargain, but I got a new dress that I really like. I posted a picture of myself in it on my profile page. You have to scroll down a bit, though. And I've posted myself in another new dress since.
But this has started me wondering how many of you out there have ever watched the fashion programming on these shopping networks, and if you've ever bought anything from them? I watch them frequently and although I've come close to ordering something many times, I never have.
My personal favorites are SG on one network and DG2 on another. SG has such wonderful fabrics in classic styles, and the DG2 jeans look great.
Anyway, I'm almost certain a lot of you have shopped from these networks. If so, would you care to share your experiences, what you bought, how you liked them, how was the service, etc.?
I really like what they have to offer even if it is full retail. Sooner or later, I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy something from them. So please feel free to share your thoughts here.
Hi Rayna
"A picture paints a thousand words"
Bought from TVSN the "OZ" version of a shopping channel . I only wore the dress a few times, then it went in the charity bin. It did not sit right on me and it was a bit of a cheapy.
As they say in horse racing form lingo, "prefer others" Of which I have many I love wearing when I can.
Thanks for the replies. I'm watching QVC as I write, and they're showing some Susan Graver. I haven't seen anything I really want ye, not even on the website. But I do enjoy watching these programs because you can learn a lot about al the different clothing and styles.