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I don't really think about that blending thing. I usually dress with what I like and makes sense for the occasion or event. In male mode I've gone to buy suits wearing a suit and have also done it wearing shorts and loafers.
This year I started going out and doing some shopping wearing a dress. Keep in mind I don't pass and don't even try, I am just a guy wearing a dress. When I go into a shop in male dress the sales associates tend to ignore me. When I am wearing a dress they show me a lot of attention. My guess is they know that I have made purchases of women's clothes in the past so there is a good chance I will do it again.
I used to shop drab and was always frustrated finding something I loved on the mannequin and hated on myself when I got home. Then when I came out to my wife and we began venturing into the public eye that all stopped. Now I only shop in person so I can try on what catches my eye. No more disappointment and regret, no more buy/try/return. The only things I buy online now are from lines I already have and am certain of my size. My style knowledge has grown and I'm more aware of what works for me and what doesn't.
Going out shopping, as well as for manicures and pedicures, is one of the main things I do as Joanna. The UK is a fairly polite society, and I have yet to encounter any negativity, but I do try to OWN it when out and about, and I’ll smile and make eye contact with other people, especially women.