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After a very busy work week, I took Friday off to decompress and use up some of the comp time I had accumulated. The department store Macy's was having a sale, and my wife is in desperate need of a more appropriate wardrobe for her age. Jeans and tee shirts have their place, but she needs some nicer blouses and pants, so I told her we were going shopping. My wife hates shopping and was ordering things through Amazon. Before we had kids, we would shop on a routine bases to get her slacks, suits and other items for work. Ten years ago, she quit working to take care of her ailing mom and raise our kids. This was our first shopping outing in about 15 years.
While looking at everything, she commented having a husband who is a crossdresser is very helpful because I was able to put together outfits better than her. I saw several dresses I wanted to try on but was reluctant to do. We were not sure if the dressing rooms were unisex or for women only, and since I'm not openly out, I erred on the side of caution and did not enter them. My wife tried the dresses on for me so I could get an idea of how they looked, and then took photos of the name tags of the ones I liked so I can see if it is available online in my size. We spent about four hours shopping and didn't get to the shoe section. Saving that for another day of shopping. 😊
What a great day out together! I am looking forward to our first shopping outing since hubby is open with me.
A whole new set of firsts!
If you are presenting as the female side of you, use the female changing rooms..... Saying that, from what I've seen of American changing rooms they tend not to be very private. Here in the UK, the door or curtain makes the changing experience very private.
When I'm out in male mode, and the shop is say a department store, with both male and female clothing, I will take the clothes that I want to try on the the male section and use the male changing rooms. Only once has this raised an eyebrow 😉
Not trying stuff on causes teo problems. 1) if it doesn't fit or look right, it's a disappointment. 2)You have to take it back.... This means there is a good chance that you'll look around and spend even more money 🙂
My wife fully appreciates the benefits of having a crossdressing husband. She will often borrow dresses off me. When shopping, she knows I'll guide her and be honest with her. If she looks like a bag of potatoes in a dress, I'll tell her. If she looks stunning (she usually does), I'll tell her.
More wives need crossdressing husbands 🙂
Davina -
What a lovely day for you and your wife.
My wife and I have been shopping for clothes for her a few times and I've helped her pick out outfits. She calls me her fashionista. When she is in the changing room I peruse the racks to find things for her and usually come across something that Suzanne would like. My wife will ask if we should get something for Suzanne and we usually do. I don't try things on as I'm in drab when we go but she's pretty good at sizing so hasn't been an issue yet as it is usually tops that we get. She has come to see the benefit of having a crossdressing husband as she has borrowed tops, pantyhose and jewelry a few times. It is fun when we have a shopping trip, we usually include lunch when we're out.
Hope you have another shopping day soon.
How lovely Davina to share with your wife. Maybe one day an outing dressed with her beckons?
I simply ask, "can try thus on?" Most of the time I just get "of course" and am directed to the nearest changing room in the women's section whether I an drab or en femme. Only twice have I been directed to the men's area, and both times I was in drab. That is in department stores, most regular shops just have one xhanging area so it is a moot point.
Mostly, it is just not an issue and the SAs don't bat an eye that I have an arm full.of dresses or lingerie.