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Small/smooth envy

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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

This one is for the big and hairy girls, but I’m sure there are some other comparable dilemmas I don’t know. How hard is it seeing men who have an easier time fitting into ladies’ clothes and looking passable? I’ve always gotten jealous since I grew out of my mom’s clothes and started becoming the man I am now.

One of the hardest times was when I was 24-25 and spending a lot of time with friends Miles and Kathryne. They may know more about my tendencies than anyone else and have seen me in makeup done by another friend of ours. Kathryne got to know both of us around the same time and would ask questions like, “are you ever attracted to men?” We both answered soft, “not really”s which became harder and firmer “no,” as Kathryne described her own desires (also crucial in my certainty of not being gay or likely trans).

He is small and has no body hair while I am big and hairy. One time at his house when it was determined Kathryne would be better off in jeans than a skirt she borrowed his pair and found them a bit tight. Another time when Katy and I were housemates, there was for some reason a strange ball gown in our living room, “put it on,” she asked Miles, tonwhich he complied, I think from boredom. It was sad to watch knowing we’re I able to fit this would have been a chance to start breaking out.

At times I’ve fantasised about going out as a woman, so envious of those who can come out to a girl friend, borrow her clothes, get made up and look nice before resuming life as normal.

hearts and rainbows,


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Posts: 114
Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Lol, all the time do I wish I was 5’4” and 120lbs with a bit of an hourglass figure like some. But I’m not at 5’9” and weighing in at 220lbs I can pull off the elder lady who is a bit overweight! I am not hairy to be sure but I do have some so I shave my legs, top of chest, wife wants some hair to play with😃, and I shave my private area. My back is left alone for now. But I have been losing weight. A month ago I weighed in at 237lbs but since my car accident a few weeks ago I haven’t had the same appetite because of the concussion. So I am on a crusade to get down to 200 or 190lbs by next year about mid year and be on HRT By spring of next year.

I still love who I am inside and think I can look sexy at my size and eventually hair will not be a problem. Laser hair removal is also on my to do list for my face and I would love to do my legs too but I will probably go back to my epilator for my legs. TTFN



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