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For those of us who feel we must dress male most of the time, but we love feeling feminine, what are some specific stealth clothes and products you suggest. If you have a brand/color, that could helpful.
For example, in a recent conversation about nail polish, it was said that very light pink can be stealth. I for one have purchased about ten bottles and nine didn’t work for me. I’m putting on Ella + Mila right now, the sheer shade Pure. One coat is almost invisible and satin. You can build to an obvious pink.
What are your favorite stealth clothes or makeup or anything else?
Krista, I like to use a clear coat on nails. Makeup, I find I can apply neutral shades on eyes and brow and a very light shade of pink on lips, also you can use natural shade of power on face. I think it looks good and people never seem to notice.
I seem to get away with womens jeans & straight leg pants, long sleeved tops in kinda less bold colours, womens sneakers, again in less bold colours. I also find that a pull-over sports bra disappears under my tops. Clear, or skin coloured nail varnish seems to work for me too.
Hi Krista,
I've tried a couple of natural looking polishes but they were too obvious so thanks for sharing your research. I will give Ella + Mila a try. I love to put a nice dark red color on my toes since they stay hidden.
I have to wear a suit and a tie at work and I regularly wear a panty girdle with opaque tights in black, blue or brown as they are indistinguishable from socks. I just love the feeling.
For years, I tried to find and wear things that would seem "normal", yet were really feminine.
Women's sneakers, with a tinge of purple or pink. Women's t-shirts, solid black, as undershirts. Brief panties could look like men's briefs. Women's flip flops. Women's belts. Women's trouser socks. Women's leggings under jeans. Thin, unpadded bras, not visible at all. Women's low-cut boots. Lately, women's cardigans.
I am always underdressed, but I do try to adjust my drab clothes with femininity. As you say, sneakers with pink trim, unisex bracelets, sometimes a splash of perfume, and so on.
Also, I rarely wear drab socks, instead choosing to let my stockings show between my shoes and trousers.
I currently don’t have any women’s jeans (trousers I mean, of course I have a jean skirt), but I used to wear them in preference to men’s jeans, they were so much more comfortable (or am I just imagining that?). Maybe I should go and get another pair. No one ever notices.
In the summer I often wear baggy cotton trousers which look like I’m wearing a long skirt, which I like.
Happy dressing
I will on occasion underdress in panties and wear female sweat pants. Sweat pants are kind of funny as they are pretty much the same between female and male, the main difference I see (other than prints) is the waist band and tie. Female sweats tend to have a wider waist band and the tie is on the outside, sometimes the leg is wiser. I've also worn knee highs along with a pair of black ankle boots. My wife was with me when I got the ankle boots and said I could wear those anytime as they look like short cowboy boots. The heel is about the same height as cowboy boots. When I've worn them no one has said anything. I have color on my toes when it isn't sandal season - I currently have robins egg blue and have had red, pink and green. I've also had hearts for Valentines Day. My fingers get clear with a very faint pink. I did get color on them the last time we went for mani-pedi's that I thought was flesh color but was a bit darker than I thought once on so only wore it for a short period of time before taking it off. My ears are pierced and I wear studs or small hoops most of the time, when home I will wear dangling earrings. I have worn dangling ones out a few times but not often. I always wear a necklace with a couple charms on it and a couple generic bracelets.
Check out Sally Hansen Rainbow rave Xtreme wear. Ot is a very light pink if not applied too heavily and just disappears except for a sligjt shimmer. It can appear pink in really bright sunlight, but indoors is nearly inderectable. Added a second coat makes it stand out a bit more, and diluting it with a clear polish makes it.evem mpre stelathy. I wore it regularly for 6 months before my wife noticed.
My other favorite femme wear item are Levi women's jeans. They are jist about all I wear when I wear long pants.
Lastly, I have a few different lipsticks that are very suntle that I can wear en homme. I love wearing lipstick. The creamy texture is so mich better then greasy/waxy lip balm, and it is abouy 10X better for trating and preventing chapped lips. One of the colors is call.Amethyst, but it all depends on your natural lip tone. I simply went into a Mac store and asked for a stealth color and the SA helped me pock out a good color.
Of.course, wearing lingerie under your drab colors.is a mist, and I.wear panties exclusively now for many, many years.
This is an interesting thread, thanks for suggesting it. I have transitioned to wearing only women’s clothing and I find it fits me better than men’s clothes and I find it more comfortable and I feel better wearing them. There are lots of clothing you can buy that are not obvious and allow you the pleasure of wearing women’s clothing. I often wear women’s flared yoga pants and no one seems to notice.
as mentioned, lip gloss or chapstick or a very neutral shade of lipstick can be stealthy. Going to an event I will use a subtle makeup like a clear foundation with a bit of powder can enhance your features without being a dead giveaway.
Be bold and be creative. Eventually you’ll find yourself wearing clothes you never imagined. By the way, thanks for all the tips girls!
When wearing jeans they are always women's jeans. No one notices them and I have been wearing them for years. Polo's are another item that no one notices if it is a gender specific top. Torrid has these sneakers called Riley Runched sneaker, I wear these and no one knows they are from Torrid. Cami's are another item that you can wear all the time as well as yoga shorts. In the hot summer when I am outside in the yard I wear butterfly shorts, they are so comfortable and just yummy feeling. Nail polish, I like to have French Tips, the base coat is very light pink with a narrow ultra white band at the tip. I get a lot of compliments on my nails, but only from women.
During Covid when we were required to wear masks at work, I would wear lipstick under my mask. Some days I will wear Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer Champaign color. I seem to be able to get away with it.